Shrunk Has a DVD?

Yesterday, I received Sterling’s goodbye letter in the mail. He’s taking his biceps (and his helmet) on tour. 😛

Yo, Jeff, It's time for me to bail on Forest and take these biceps on tour! They're just too big for one town. Don't worry, you'll see 'em again! -Sterling

As for his helmeted, chickeny counterpart Knox, today was his birthday. But he was just talking about gardening when I visited him. (Unlike Wild World and New Leaf, birthdays aren’t celebrated in City Folk…other than the notice on the bulletin board).

Knox: Whenever I see a garden that's really been cared for, I want to bust out my can and get busy!

At the Roost tonight, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Swing for me. It’s not one of my favorite songs.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Swing.

Back outside after the show, Tiffany asked me if I could return the Shrunk DVD that I borrowed from her.

Tiffany: You know, that DVD Shrunk: The Joke's Gone Too Far...

But then she remembered she didn’t loan it to me, she loaned it to Knox. How did she get me confused with Knox? Maybe it was my helmet and beak.

I spoke with Mitzi, and she mentioned the fact that I’ve caught every fish in the game. I could be mistaken, but I don’t recall hearing that from a villager in City Folk before.

Mitzi: I'm trying to take some inspiration from you, Jeff. You've caught every fish there is!

I recently posted my annual slideshow of the best pictures I’ve taken over the past year. If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is: The 11th Year in Pictures.

2 thoughts on “Shrunk Has a DVD?”

  1. I feel bad for you Jeff. You’ve been getting nothing but neighbors you haven’t liked recently. Maybe things will turn around. On a lighter note I completed my fish and bug collections in this game!

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