The first snow flurries of the season fell in Forest tonight. Winter is coming, and soon.

My buddy Static had an easy request for me: He wanted a horse mackerel.

I agreed to help out. But before I went fishing, I went to check out a new house. I felt a bit worried as I entered the door…as it turns out, it was for good reason.

OMG, whyyyyyy? I don’t want this ugly monkey in my town! His name is Monty, and I’m starting to dislike my town residents of late. I now have three villagers that I strongly dislike (Kitty, Tiffany, and Monty). I need to start getting them out of here.

After making my rounds, I caught a horse mackerel for Static. He thanked me by giving me a billiard table.

Even though it’s Saturday night, I didn’t check out K.K. Slider’s musical performance this week. I guess I just wasn’t in the mood. Have a good night, everyone!
on acnl I just finished my main street today and I started my new town on july 6th
Congrats! It’s a good feeling when you’re able to finish Main Street.
Ewwwwwwwwww!!! Monty!?!? Are you serious!? He’s bad as Ew-lise (Elise)! >:(