Violet Arrives

My recent bad luck with primates and ugly villagers in New Horizons has carried over to City Folk. Violet the gorilla just moved in today!

Violet: Oh! Well, hello there! I'm surprised that I have visitors already, faboom!
You should learn when to go.

Speaking of ugly primates, Monty was asking me for a favor today…as Kitty walked into view. I thought it would be funny if he asked me to make a delivery to Kitty, and that’s exactly what happened! I turned around and handed Kitty the present (a table lamp).

Kitty: Thanks for the drop-off. And if you could deliver my thanks to Monty, I'd really appreciate it.
No trouble at all!

I turned back around, and Monty gave me a mosaic tile for making the delivery. Easy as pie!

Bones’ catchphrase “lone bone” has been spreading like wildfire in my town, and admittedly it’s not a good catchphrase to begin with. To help stop the spread, I took Goldie up on the offer when she asked for something new to say. I just told her to say “woof woof.” I know it’s not very creative, but the important thing is to squash this lone bone viral trend before it spreads any further.

Sorry for the short entry. But as you probably know, my gaming focus is now on Animal Crossing New Horizons. If you’re looking for more Animal Crossing content, please check out my ACNH Blog or check out my video series on Youtube.

Bug Zapper, Gracie, Saharah

Yesterday, I received Roald’s goodbye letter in the mail. I’ll miss the little guy.

Yo, Jeff, Today's my last day in Forest. Best thing I did here was be buds with you. I might be sweating in a different gym, but I'll always be lifting for you! -Roald

Lucy was asking me about hobbies, and she suggested that we could study chemistry together.

Lucy: Tell you what: if you're ever curious about studying chemistry, I'll happily get you started.
Let’s experiment with the chemistry of cooking bacon.

Purrl asked me to deliver a present to Bones, and I agreed to help out. Once I was done, Purrl gave me a bug zapper.

Purrl: Oh, yes, most certainly... Here's your reward, a bug zapper.

It got me thinking… Since you can put furniture outdoors in New Horizons, I wonder if the bug zapper could zap normal bugs that fly around. Or maybe it would have an animation with a “fake,” non-catchable bug just for show. But it would certainly be amusing if someone was chasing a valuable butterfly or something and it got zapped instead. 😀

Gracie was actually inside her own store yesterday, so I snapped this picture of her. She mentioned Toni from Biggs, who was someone I played with years ago.

Gracie: That slice of gorgeous was from Biggs. Her name was Toni, I believe.

Today, Saharah was in town, looking for old wallpaper. Static, Puck, and Lucy had some for me.

Static: Oh, wait, Saharah must be in town, right? Well, you're in luck. I just put up new wallpaper. Here's the old.

I returned to Saharah and traded them in for a western vista.

Saharah: Here...a western vista. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.

Before ending my game, I ran into Kitty. She also had an old wallpaper for me, so I put that one in storage.

I just posted a new episode of Mario Plays ACCF, and it’s a sad one. Bob, who was my favorite villager (and also one of my starters) has moved away. Mushroom won’t be the same without him.

New Horizons comes out tomorrow, so I hope you’ll follow along with my New Horizons Blog! Have a great day, and Never Stop Crossing!

Penguin Waddles Away

I made my way over to Shampoodle in the city tonight, to get my hair dyed green. Turning into Mohawk McClover is a tradition I do every year. And while I was in the city, I said hello to my former villager Opal. She thought the clouds were looking suspicious. 😀

Opal: There's something vaguely suspicious about the movement of the clouds...

Back in town, Purrl invited me to play a game of hide-and-seek. I accepted the challenge.

Purrl: Wow, Jeff! You're really excited, aren't you!
About New Horizons next week? YES!

She gave me 15 minutes to find her, Static, and Lucy. It took me a few minutes, but I found everyone hiding behind trees.

Purrl hides behind a tree during a game of hide-and-seek.

For winning the game, Purrl gave me a rustoid. I ended up putting it into my gyroid storage at the Roost.

Purrl: It's a rustoid, and it's all yours, kitten!

At Nook ‘n’ Go, I saw that two of the three furniture items for sale were chess pieces! With a candle in between them, I could imagine the white bishop and the black pawn playing a game of chess by candlelight.

A white bishop, a candle, and a black pawn are the three items for sale at Nook's shop.

Moments later, Lucy informed me that she wanted some black furniture. I knew just what to get her! The black pawn only cost me 880 bells. When I took it back to Lucy, she said it was just as black as she hoped.

Lucy: You know, this is exactly as black as I'd hoped it would be!

When I went to visit Roald, I was disappointed to find all his belongings packed up in boxes. Roald is moving out of town. 🙁

Roald: So, I'm gonna be packing up and moving. It'd be a waste to keep biceps like these in one town.

This is quite a contrast to how I felt when he moved out of my Wild World town. I honestly didn’t like him much in Wild World, but City Folk Roald definitely grew on me during his time in Forest. So long, little guy!

I recently posted a video showing off my 25 funniest ACCF screenshots of all-time, along with a bunch of honorable mentions as well. Check it out for a laugh!

And just today, I posted a video where I rank my top three villagers of each personality type.

See you next time! If I can, I plan to post next week’s blog entry earlier in the week…so that I’m free to devote Friday and Saturday to New Horizons. 😉