Recycling for Popcorn?

Saharah was in town tonight, looking for old flooring. Most of my villagers seemed to be talking about her. Static suggested that Saharah’s broken English may just be a marketing ploy.

Static: I wonder if the whole 'I don't speak your language' thing is a trick to boost sales...

That’s pretty much what Häagen-Dazs (the ice cream company) did with their company name. It’s an American company, despite having a Dutch-sounding name.

I went around asking my villagers for old carpets, but I was getting rejected left and right.

Kitty: My carpet isn't old! If you think I'm lying, you should just have a look, I'm awful!

I was relieved when Punchy had an old carpet to give me. He suggested that Saharah’s recycling drive might be more successful is she offered peach crisp or popcorn instead of just other rugs. Not a bad idea.

Punchy: If only Saharah gave you stuff besides carpets, like peach crisp or popcorn...

Poor Bones was locked out of his house. I tried fishing for his key for a few minutes, but I didn’t have any luck and I eventually gave up. But as I was fishing, I just took this picture because I liked how the screen panned enough to fit the whole bend of the river into view.

Jeff fishes at the bend of the river in Forest.

That one carpet from Punchy was the only one I got all night. But fortunately, I had two others in storage. So I still had the three that I needed to get a rare carpet from Saharah.

Saharah: Oh! You bring carpet! And how many...3! Mine now!

Saharah gave me a music-room floor, which I didn’t particularly want. But it’s alright, it’s still nice to see Saharah once in a while, even if she doesn’t always give me something noteworthy.

Since last time, I’ve posted a new episode of Mario Plays ACCF. If you’d like to check it out, here it is:

I’ve also posted a video showing 101 pitfalls spanning 13 years of my Youtube channel. It’s not limited to ACCF pitfalls, but many of them are indeed from City Folk.