Penguin Waddles Away

I made my way over to Shampoodle in the city tonight, to get my hair dyed green. Turning into Mohawk McClover is a tradition I do every year. And while I was in the city, I said hello to my former villager Opal. She thought the clouds were looking suspicious. 😀

Opal: There's something vaguely suspicious about the movement of the clouds...

Back in town, Purrl invited me to play a game of hide-and-seek. I accepted the challenge.

Purrl: Wow, Jeff! You're really excited, aren't you!
About New Horizons next week? YES!

She gave me 15 minutes to find her, Static, and Lucy. It took me a few minutes, but I found everyone hiding behind trees.

Purrl hides behind a tree during a game of hide-and-seek.

For winning the game, Purrl gave me a rustoid. I ended up putting it into my gyroid storage at the Roost.

Purrl: It's a rustoid, and it's all yours, kitten!

At Nook ‘n’ Go, I saw that two of the three furniture items for sale were chess pieces! With a candle in between them, I could imagine the white bishop and the black pawn playing a game of chess by candlelight.

A white bishop, a candle, and a black pawn are the three items for sale at Nook's shop.

Moments later, Lucy informed me that she wanted some black furniture. I knew just what to get her! The black pawn only cost me 880 bells. When I took it back to Lucy, she said it was just as black as she hoped.

Lucy: You know, this is exactly as black as I'd hoped it would be!

When I went to visit Roald, I was disappointed to find all his belongings packed up in boxes. Roald is moving out of town. 🙁

Roald: So, I'm gonna be packing up and moving. It'd be a waste to keep biceps like these in one town.

This is quite a contrast to how I felt when he moved out of my Wild World town. I honestly didn’t like him much in Wild World, but City Folk Roald definitely grew on me during his time in Forest. So long, little guy!

I recently posted a video showing off my 25 funniest ACCF screenshots of all-time, along with a bunch of honorable mentions as well. Check it out for a laugh!

And just today, I posted a video where I rank my top three villagers of each personality type.

See you next time! If I can, I plan to post next week’s blog entry earlier in the week…so that I’m free to devote Friday and Saturday to New Horizons. 😉