Garden Wall

I received Monty’s goodbye letter in the mail today. He told me to keep my ears clean. Funny coming from a monkey who has ears much larger than mine! 😉

Jeff, I've made up my mind to move out of Forest. This place is great, and I'm gonna be sad to leave it, but it's time to move on! Keep your ears clean, kid! -Monty

Saharah was in town tonight, and she was looking for old wallpaper.

Saharah: I came from far away. I wish to trade wallpaper. It is for wallpaper that I came to your town today.

So I began to ask my villagers if they had any old wallpaper to recycle. Well, I couldn’t ask Static about it, because he was in the Roost, enjoying some coffee.

Static: Hey, shorty, I didn't think I'd see you in the cafe at this time of night...

And most of the others weren’t very cooperative either.

Kitty: You have SOME nerve! My wallpaper's not old at all!
Please leave my town already.

In fact, Puck was the only one of my nine villagers to give me some old wallpaper. But I had some good news: I had two old wallpapers in storage! So I had the required three to give to Saharah.

I exchanged them for a garden wall, which is not nearly as garden-y as the name implies. It just looks like bamboo! I was expecting flowers or something! 💮🌺🌸 Or at least some vegetables. 😛 🍅🥕🍆

The garden wall (wallpaper) in Animal Crossing: City Folk, which looks like bamboo without any garden at all.

Bunny Day 2020

Today is Bunny Day, also known as Easter Sunday, and Zipper T. Bunny can be found outside of town hall. By digging up eggs that are buried around town, you can find candy or prize tickets inside each one. The candy doesn’t have a purpose for Bunny Day, so you can eat it, sell it, or save it for other holidays like Halloween or Festivale.

But the prize tickets can be exchanged for exclusive egg furniture.

Zipper: All right! Hand over that prize ticket, please!

Zipper is admittedly a creepy character (or at least a creepy costume), and I know I’m not the only one that thinks that. In fact, even the villagers in City Folk seem to be a bit creeped out by Zipper as well!

Static: I can't put my finger on it, but something about him seems...unnatural.

Static used the word unnatural, and Violet called Zipper a bizarre thing. 😀 That’s pretty bad when Violet calls you bizarre.

Violet: For example! Did you see the bizarre thing that sprang in front of town hall, woof woof?

In other news, Monty the ugly monkey is all packed up and ready to move out of town. 🙂

Monty: Anyway, as you can see, I've decided it's time for me to hit the road! I'm movin' outta town!

With Monty on the way out, I just need to get rid of Lucy. And Violet. And Kitty. Okay, there’s still a long way to go, but this is a start.

I dug up all the buried items I could find, and I ended up with 11 of the 12 prize tickets. Since I was just collecting them to sell them, I wasn’t super concerned with finding the last one. I exchanged them for egg furniture, and I sold the 11 pieces for 98,776 bells.

Tom Nook: Ah, for all of that, I'll give you 98,776 bells!

Factor in the other things I sold today, and I earned over 100k for the 2nd time in three days. As for the candy I collected, I left it sitting on the ground for now. I probably don’t have enough storage space for all of it, so I’m not sure what I’ll do with it just yet.

If you’d like a refresher or more info on how the event works, check out my Bunny Day Guide. Happy Easter, everyone! 🙂

Major Fruit Run

I had a great conversation with Monty the monkey tonight: He told me he was leaving town!

Monty: It's just about time I packed up my things and moved on, lone bone.

Lucy the pig was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for her.

Lucy flips as she takes her medicine.

I saw something of an unusual site tonight: A weed seemingly growing out of the cliff! At least partially.

A weed grows out of a cliff in ACCF.

After I finished making my rounds, I realized that I was just 120,000 bells short of 40 million. So I decided to go on a major fruit harvesting run, one like I probably haven’t done in ten years. Probably two-thirds of my town’s trees were bare by the time I finished!

Pockets full of coconuts, with many bare trees in the background.

But I ended up meeting my goal with fruit to spare. (The northern parts of my town were spared.) I now have forty million bells in the bank. 💰💰💰💰

Your current balance is 40,000,000 bells.