April Flames

Purrl dramatically asked me for a specific fossil tonight, the styraco skull. I agreed to help her out, just in case I spotted one. But the odds are never good when this happens.

Purrl: It will be the END of me if people find out I don't have a styraco skull.
It’s not that important, sis.

April is here now, and so are pink trees. But that meant it was also time for me to change out of my Mohawk McClover outfit. So I got my hair dyed brown at Shampoodle in the city, and then I checked Able Sisters for a new shirt to wear. I ended up buying this flame shirt. You know it’s 🔥.

Jeff buys a flame shirt at Able Sisters in ACCF.

Since it’s Saturday night, I went up to the Roost to check out K.K.’s musical performance. He played Señor K.K. for me. It’s an upbeat, enjoyable song.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Senor K.K.

After finding no villagers packed up in boxes with Kitty’s house remaining, I started to picture Kitty there, ready to finally move out… But when I went in her house, she wasn’t packed up. I was disappointed. 😛 Maybe someday, she will actually leave…

With not much else going on in town, I harvested some fruit, sold it, and deposited 50,000 bells into my bank account.