Another Ugly Pig

I caught a flea that was hopping around on Goldie tonight, and she couldn’t believe it!

Goldie: No way!
Sorry, Goldie. Good dogs get fleas too.

With Monty moving out recently, I thought Forest was taking a step in the right direction. Some of the uglies were starting to leave, and things were looking up…or so I thought. But that hasn’t turned out to be the case at all. I saw a new house today, and this thing just moved in!

Rasher the ugly pig glares at me.

It’s Rasher the pig, and he’s worse than Monty! He’s also much uglier than my other pig, Lucy. Yikes.

Rasher: Huh?! Who are you?
I’m your worst nightmare.
But to be fair, you’re also my worst nightmare.

Static asked me to find a mantis…that he apparently already ate. 😉

Static: So, wanna join me on my quest to find the elusive mantis, I ate it?

It was already too late in the day to catch a mantis though, so I told him I couldn’t help him.

Pascal was in town, standing on a bridge. So I looked around on the beach until I found a scallop to give him. But when I took it back to him, I accidentally pressed the wrong button and told him to get lost! So he jumped in the river without sharing his words of wisdom with me. Oops.

Pascal swims in the river in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Anyway, Punchy was sick with a cold. I bought some medicine for him and he knocked it down.

Punchy takes his medicine.
Get well soon, Punchy!