Pig Fight

Punchy was sick with a cold today, so I bought some medicine for him. Get well soon, Punchy!

Punchy: If germs are so much tinier than I am, why are they kicking my tail so hard?

Both of Forest’s ugly pigs were walking around west of the bus stop, and they started up a conversation with each other. Rasher told Lucy there was something icky on her face. 😛

Rasher: Lucy, there's something icky on your face, swine.

Lucy tried to get it off her face, and then Rasher admitted it was just her eye. Unfortunately, Lucy didn’t have any good comebacks…even though Rasher’s face is considerably worse.

Another ugly villager of mine, Violet, was having coffee in the Roost. She was upset that the whole day slipped away from her. Join the club.

Violet: Wow, is it already 10? I let the day just slip away from me!

In New Horizons, I recently checked out the tarantula and scorpion in the museum. In that game, they are kept in separate displays. I was disappointed, because they were allowed to actually fight each other in some of the older games (including City Folk). So I made sure to visit them in the ACCF museum tonight.

Animated GIF showing the scorpion and tarantula fighting in the Animal Crossing: City Folk museum.

So that Rasher/Lucy argument wasn’t the only fight in town tonight. 😛

Have a good night, and I’ll see you all next time.

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