Flower vs. Seeds

Sunday was Mother’s Day, and I had a letter from Mom waiting for me in my mailbox when I played today.

Dear Jeff, Today (and today only), your dad is doing the laundry and cleaning. It's my once-annual day off, and I intend to enjoy it! It's my day. -Mom

She sent me a bag of pink carnation seeds. Out of curiosity, I decided to check to see what Tom Nook would pay for the seeds. As it turns out, he refuses to pay anything for the seeds, although he does offer to dispose of them for free. But if you go outside and plant the seeds, pick up the resulting flower, and then talk to Tom Nook, he offers 500 bells for it!

Tom Nook in Panel 1: But if you just don't want it, I can dispose of it, hm? Would you like me to get rid of it for you?
Tom Nook in Panel 2: Yes, yes, I'll take that for 500 bells!

So it’s worth more “used” than it is brand new. 😛

Violet lost her key and locked herself out of her house, so I went fishing for her key. I never did find it, but I caught several fish along the way. Goldie noticed an angelfish in my pockets, and she gave me 4,087 bells for it!

Goldie: Um, I should pay you for it. How does 4,087 bells sound...woof woof?
Sounds like we have a deal. Uh..woof woof.

When I took a bus to the city, I saw my mortal enemy Yuka there! She said she saw a stylish guy coming out of the salon the other day, and she seemed smitten with him. She then said she thinks he lives in Forest! Oh no, don’t even think about coming to Forest! Stay away from all my towns forever, please!

Yuka: I've GOT to find out where he lives. I've heard that it MIGHT be Forest.

11 thoughts on “Flower vs. Seeds”

  1. Hi Jeff! Im not really a big fan about Animal Crossing. I started playing it in those day, when ACNH is becoming really popular. I have my own copy of Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City and im replaying it after years. I saw some of your videos, and I love them! I never saw an Animal Crossing Lover who had an 19 years old town! That’s crazy! I’m gonna start watching and reading your blog frequently. Good Job!

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