End of a Long Run

I was very disappointed, and downright sad, to discover that Static had his belongings packed up in boxes tonight. He’s moving out of Forest.

Static: Usually you're not super quick, and yet somehow you manage to pop up at a strange time like this.

Not only has Static been my favorite villager in town for years, but his exit comes five years (almost to the day) of his arrival. He moved in on May 20, 2015, and leaves on May 21, 2020.

It’s always sad when a favorite villager moves out unexpectedly. But when that villager has been in your town for that long, it stings even more. Maybe I just have a case of Static cling. I know I still have Static in my GameCube town, but that’s not helping much right now. 🙁

After saying goodbye, I went outside and tried to cheer myself up. I saw my two least favorite villagers, Kitty and Rasher, hanging out together. So I decided to pitfall them both.

Rasher, in a pitfall: Whaa!
Kitty, in a pitfall: Stop right there! Turn the other way! This is just TOO humiliating!

Punchy asked me to catch a tiger butterfly for him, but it was too late to find one (and I probably won’t be playing in the next day or two). So I told him I couldn’t help.

I went to the city and made a rare visit to the fortune teller, Katrina. I gave her 100 bells, and she bashed me over the head and gave me a vague fortune. “You must just remember that impressions of you are not affected by your own personal preferences.” I didn’t know what that meant.

Katrina: YEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee!

I returned to Forest, and…my day got worse. Kitty, of all people, was suddenly attracted to me! Yikes. Go away, Kitty!

Kitty: I can't stand downwind, because your scent makes me feel...wowie-wow!

After that, I just gathered some fruit to sell, earning about 60,000 bells. I found a lovely lamp in the recycle bin before ending my game for the night.

Good night, everyone! I hope you all have better luck with your favorite villagers than I did tonight!