The Insults Sting

Punchy is officially a former Forest resident. I received his goodbye letter in the mail today.

Dear Jeff, Moving day is finally here, and I keep thinking of the fun times we had. Those memories are what I'll take with me to my new town, not just boxes and stuff. I'll miss you! -Punchy

It was almost midnight when I played, so I quickly rushed to the museum and down the steps to the Roost. I asked K.K. Slider to play a random song for me, and he performed Agent K.K.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Agent K.K..

When I ran into Kitty outside, she was bragging about how pretty she is. Or at least, how pretty she thinks she is. I don’t happen to agree with her.

Kitty: I feel so sad...for those who never see me at night! I'm prettier than a field of fireflies!
More like a litter box full of centipedes.

I started shaking some trees to look for furniture items. And I found two of them, a surfboard and a black pawn. Unfortunately, I also got stung by a bee. My newest neighbor Wolfgang got a big laugh out of my swollen face.

Wolfgant: You trying to give the bees some exercise? Oh, that's right! My gut hurts from laughing.

And he wasn’t the only one. Violet had the audacity to tell me I had no business walking around with my face looking like it did. As if she can talk!

Violet: So, why don't you go take care of YOUR face? There's no sense walking around looking like that!

I did head back to the store to buy some medicine, but not for myself. Goldie was sick with a cold, so I gave her the medicine. Get well soon, doggy!

Punchy Punches Out

I started up the game tonight, and I was surprised to find Nat outside of town hall. The Bug-Off was held today. I guess I wasn’t expecting it because New Horizons didn’t have a Bug-Off today; it apparently has a different schedule than the older games. Regardless, Wolfgang was the big winner.

Nat: The 53-point tiger butterfly caught by Wolfgang from right here in Forest.

I got another surprise moments later, when I walked into Punchy’s house: Punchy is moving out!

Punchy: That's right, I'm leaving Forest. It's been great knowing you, but it's time for me to move on now.

He’s been a good cat to have around. But I must admit, I wasn’t as crazy about him as a lot of people seem to be. But I wish him the best of luck!

When I visited Forest’s best bug-catcher, Wolfgang, he was just talking about oatmeal! He said he bought four barrels of imported oatmeal, and now he’s set for life!

Wolfgang: This may be a shock, but did you know I import all my oatmeal?

On the eastern edge of town (the dead end, to be specific), I heard a balloon present flying overhead. I got my slingshot out and shot it down. I found a robo-TV inside.

Jeff shoots down a balloon present in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

It’s Saturday night, so I made sure to slide on down to the Roost. K.K. performed some technopop music for me. This song is always disappointing when played live; the aircheck is much better.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Technopop.

No Moths in Rain

Purrl asked me to make a rush delivery to Goldie in the rain tonight. She sent Goldie a poncho.

Goldie: Oh, is that what I think it is? A poncho? Well, it's a sweet gesture. I guess I should accept!

I returned to Purrl, and she gave me a ceramic tile for making the delivery.

My newest resident Wolfgang is just now learning that I’m a night owl like he is. But then again, all villagers are kinda night owls in City Folk.

Wolfgang: Jeff! You still up? Nice to see that Blathers and I aren't the only night owls, snarrrl!

When I visited Violet, she seemed to think that moths are the greatest fashion accessory around!

Violet: Anyone who's ANYONE has a moth! These bug fashions creep past so fast, it's hard to keep up!

She asked me to catch one for her, and I thought it would be easy. And on most summer nights, it would indeed be easy…very easy. But since it was raining tonight, the rain seemed to keep the moths away. So I was unable to fulfill her request.

I headed down to the Roost to check out K.K.’s Saturday night performance. I let him pick the song, and he played Imperial K.K. for me.

K.K. Slider performs in the Roost in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

After looping around town, I ran into Purrl again. She said that lots of people wonder how she affords her “posh lifestyle” (her words), and she let me in on her secret: Turnips.

Purrl: One word...turnips! Yes, I made a killing in the turnip market, and now I just live off the high profits!

So she’s basically the opposite of me. I hardly ever trade turnips in Animal Crossing games. Well it’s partly because I rarely play on Sunday mornings to buy them, but also because it’s a lot of work to keep checking prices, and there’s always a decent chance you’ll end up losing money. I usually stick to fruit, bugs, and fish.