Tom Moves In!

After starting up the game tonight, I checked my bank account balance at town hall. I currently have 40,660,000 bells in the bank. Long time readers may remember that I’ve set goals of making a total of two million bells in July and August (a million a month) the last couple years.

While I’m (basically) going to try to do that again, I’m going to scale it down just a bit (partly because I’m not starting at a round number and partly because I’m going to be busier with New Horizons this year). So my goal is to hit 42.5 million bells by September 1st.

But before I got to bug-catching, I had villagers to catch up with. Also, Saharah was in town, looking for old flooring. Violet was the first beast I asked for flooring, and she actually helped me out!

Violet: Sure, I have one here I was about to throw out, woof woof.
Violet is using Goldie’s catchphrase. 😀

As I made my way around town, I spotted a new house in a spot that’s rarely used by villagers. It’s in the northern part of town, a bit southwest of my fountain, and right next to the river. This is where I recorded Pitfall Pandemonium. I can’t remember the last time a villager lived here.

A new villager house next to the river.

But I went inside, and I was very happy to see my old cranky friend Tom! He’s lived in my GameCube town for ages, and I had him in New Leaf for a while too. (But surprisingly, not here in City Folk). Welcome to Forest, you big grump!

Tom, moving in: Huh?! Who are you?

Goldie was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for her. Get well soon, Goldie!

Goldie: Oh, thank you! I was afraid I'd have to drag myself over to the store on my own!

As for my old flooring search, it didn’t go very well. Purrl also gave me one, but that’s it. I needed three for a rare carpet, and I didn’t have any in storage. Oh well, these will go into storage for next time.

I shot down a balloon present, and it contained a boxing mat.

Shooting down a balloon present in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

With my regular tasks out of the way, I began hunting for bugs! I caught a lot of good ones as I made way across the beach and back, over and over. Of course, I also ventured around a bit just to keep the bugs on their toes. 😉

Whoa! A giant beetle! Augh, don't squish me!

I caught giant beetles, goliath beetles, emperor butterflies, Hercules beetles, an atlas beetle, a scarab beetle, and more. I also caught a gar and two sharks on my hunt. Ahh, I love this time of year. 🙂 I made over 150,000 bells on the night.

Enjoy the hunting season and I’ll see you next time!