Seeing Multiples

Purrl was feeling sick today, so I bought some medicine for her. Get well soon, kitty cat.

Purrl: I haven't felt THIS terrible since I sipped a gallon of fruit punch...
How do you sip an entire gallon?

I got some good news from Lucy tonight: She told me that she’s moving out of town! I did not try to stop her.

Lucy: I just feel like I need a fresh start, woof woof.
Are you starting a new life as a dog?

Tom locked himself out of his house, and I fished his key out of the river for him. He’s my new buddy here in Forest, so I should be nice to him…for a while. 😉 Until his grumpy butt starts getting on my nerves in a few weeks. 😀

I caught a key! ...Whose key is this?

He appreciated the help, and he said he would tell everyone that I helped.

Tom: I'm gonna tell everyone how you helped me (but I may skip the part about losing my key in the river)!
It may be a hard story to tell without mentioning that part.

He gave me exactly 600 bells for my reward.

Goldie asked me to find some trendy furniture for her. I tried giving her a school chair that I shot down from a balloon, but it wasn’t trendy enough. So I bought a cabana lamp from Nook’s; she would accept it either. When I later shot down another balloon present, it had a starman inside: She refused it too. I like Goldie, but she’s being very picky tonight. Buying for her is ruff, ruff.

After I was done with all my regular tasks, I went bug-hunting. Back and forth across the beach, sometimes moving to other parts of town as well. At one point, I spotted three moths hanging out in front of Kitty’s house! Three moths in one place may be a common occurrence in real life, but it doesn’t happen very often in Animal Crossing games. I ran around to scare them all away.

And just seconds later, I spotted two sharks together…after not seeing any sharks for nearly an hour of play time before that.

Two sharks show up on-screen at once.

I played for about an hour and 20 minutes tonight. Some of my notable catches include a scorpion, a hercules beetle, three giant beetles, two rainbow stags, an elephant beetle, two atlas beetles, three scarab beetles, two goliath beetles, two hammerhead sharks, one regular shark, and at least five emperor butterflies. My best run of the night scored me 70k bells, but I made about 230,000 bells overall.

Tom Nook: Ah, for all of that, I'll give you 70,200 bells!

Of the three scarab beetles I found, two of them were appeared at the same time, right next to each other. I seemed to be finding many bugs and fish in bunches tonight. 😛

Are any of you enjoying the summer bug-hunting fun? If so, tell me how it’s going in the comments! I’ll see you all next time. 🙂

If you’re interested, check out my new video where I rank my favorite villagers by species: