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Wolfgang asked me to catch his lucky bug for him tonight…and that was a pondskater.

Wolfgang: Normally I'm not interested in catching squishy little bugs... But I'll make an exception for a lucky bug!

I kept an eye out for one as I played. But unfortunately for Wolfgang, I didn’t see a single pondskater the entire night.

When I visited Violet, she wondered if we’d be having any rare visitors in a thong. I certainly hope not.

Violet: I wonder if we'll have any rare visitors, in a thong?

Goldie was still sick, so I bought some medicine for her once again.

Goldie: You have medicine?! Would you be willing to share, woof woof?!

After making my rounds, I went on my usual summer bug hunt. Unfortunately, things weren’t going well. I swung and missed at two rainbow stags, and I wasn’t finding many good bugs (or fish). In about an hour of searching (bridging the 10pm and 11pm hours), I only made about 115,000 bells.

So I took a little break, and then returned after midnight. Immediately, I noticed a dramatic difference. I was seeing many more rare bugs, and more bugs in general. I went back and forth across the beach, filling my pockets with lots of good catches. In under 45 minutes, I earned 215,000 bells.

That gave me a total of 330,000 bells on the night, and it kicked my bank account balance over 42 million bells.

Your current balance is 42,030,000 bells.

My goal was to hit 42.5 million by September 1st, and I’m now back on pace to hit that target.

Note: Out of curiosity, I just now checked a guide to see the times that pondskaters are out. And they can’t be caught after 7 p.m.! So they were never even out the whole time I played. Wolfgang sent me on a wild goose chase! He might as well have asked me to catch a glow-in-the-dark purple unicorn!

No wonder my first hour went so bad; I kept making trips around the river looking for pondskaters! Wolfgang has earned himself a date with a pitfall seed. I’ll have to introduce them next week.