Ending the Violet

Goldie sent me a nice letter thanking me for the medicine I took her recently. She’s feeling much better now, and she sent me a present. But when I opened the gift, I saw that it was…

Goldie sent me a cow skull to thank me for medicine.

A cow skull?! Is this like a horse’s head? Is she threatening me?? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Gala was home, so I was finally able to see the inside of her house. And it’s…unique.

The inside of Gala's house.

I ran into Wolfgang outside, so I made sure to pitfall him. That’s what he gets for sending me on a wild goose chase last week. But the interesting thing is that he glitched when I spoke with him while he was in the pitfall; he was standing up on the pitfall! Only after the conversation was over did he “flip” out of the pitfall.

Wolfgang, standing on a pitfall: Blast it! Gravity has outwitted me again!

I have encountered this glitch before: It happened to Chow in my 2016 video, Pitfalling my Villagers.

Tom asked me for some new clothes, so I was able to buy him a racer 6 shirt just before the tailors’ shop closed for the night. To my surprise, he actually liked it!

Tom: Oho! Is that my racer 6 shirt you've got there?

He gave me a lovely dresser in return. Anytime you get furniture in exchange for a shirt, I consider that a good trade!

When I ran into Violet, she told me she was thinking about moving out of town! Yes!

Violet: Yes, I'm thinking it might be time to leave this town, woof woof.
I told you from the start, just how this would end.

After speaking with everyone, I began my usual summer night routine: Bug-hunting (with a little fishing sprinkled in). I hunted for about an hour, and I earned a cool quarter of a million (250k) bells on the night. I should have no problem meeting my September 1st goal. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

It’s just kinda sad that the summer is almost over. But it’s not over just yet. I may be back with another entry on Sunday night. I still need to see the fireworks in City Folk this year! ๐ŸŽ†

9 thoughts on “Ending the Violet”

  1. I finally got Violet out of my New Horizons town, albeit only by letting a camper I didn’t really want that badly take her place. Yeah, I was that desperate.

  2. In my city folk town yesterday, I went to see my villagers after 3 weeks and Victoria was leaving! I expected one of them to leave but I love victoria and it felt like i barely had her ( I even found her in New horizons before she moved into my city folk town and I passed on her. Luckily, I dont regret that as the next camper was Agent S!). Yes I wasnt that sad as it wasnt Pierce, Sterling or Chester but its still a shame. Usually in my town, when a villager leaves, a villager with the same personality moves in. Rosie became Bella, Bella became Victoria, Butch became Roscoe so I hope if it continues my replacement is good

  3. Hey Jeff, do you think you will continue you Cotu Folk moments series? Thatโ€™s one of favorite series as City Folk is tied with anew Horizons for my favorite AC game. Anyways Iโ€™m My CF town Samson recently asked to leave and I said yes so now Iโ€™m waiting for his departure.

  4. You are so LUCKY to get rid of Violet..I had her in one of my old CF towns, but just would not leave! I sent her mean letters, pushed her, and hit her with my net but she stuck around forever until I started geTting to get her out. xD

  5. I can relate with violet. I also had saw her after chief left. Rest in peace chief. Anyways I hated him. He made kitty mad, he’s ugly and everyone else would ask to move but him! Got him out last week and Lobo replaced him.

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