A Helpful Push

The fireworks festival was held today, and I try to participate at least once each year. Tortimer was standing outside of town hall, and he encouraged me to kick back and watch stuff explode. Sounds like a blast!

Tortimer: The Fireworks Show is today, sprout! Time to kick back and watch some stuff explode!

He gave me a sparkler, and then I manipulated him into giving me five roman candles. 😛 That’s one thing I like about the fireworks festival in City Folk: It’s easy to get as many fireworks as you want, and they’re free! The bad thing is that sparklers and roman candles are the only things you can get (no fountain fireworks like in later games). But roman candles are pretty awesome!

Over by the museum, Bones asked me if I had itchy feet(???). He said we should watch the fireworks together. Aww, how cute. Of course a real dog would probably be terrified of the fireworks, though. 😛

Bones: Hey, Chill J, you got itchy feet or what? Stop wandering around and let's watch the show together!

I was busy making my rounds, but I did stop to enjoy the fireworks later on.

Jeff enjoys the fireworks festival in ACCF.

And of course, I returned to town hall for my annual tradition: Lighting Tortimer’s shell on fire for his turtle wax treatment. 😛 The funny part is that I initially fired the roman candle a bit too far away…but Gala helped me out by pushing Tortimer into the flame! Now that’s how to get on my good side! Lucy never did things like this for me!

Jeff lights a roman candle and aims it at Tortimer's shell.

I went bug-hunting, and there were two scorpions among my catches tonight. In total, I made 140,000 bells in just over an hour of play. It wasn’t my most efficient bug-catching night, but then again, I was watching fireworks and stuff too. 😛

But that 140k was enough: It ensured that I will have enough to reach my summertime goal for the year, at least once I get my September bank statement.

There is one fireworks festival remaining next weekend, just so you know. We get five of them this year, instead of the usual four. Make sure you enjoy them while you can!