It was raining as I started up the game tonight. But that wasn’t keeping Purrl from being in a good mood. She just wanted to splash around in the puddles.

I checked my bank account at town hall, and my balance was 45,520,000 bells. So yes, I officially met my goal for the summer.
Violet was all packed up and ready to move out of town. Go, gorilla, go!

While I’m on the topic of my least favorite villagers, Kitty was sick with a cold. But I was nice, and I gave her some medicine. Of course, it’s only because I happened to have some in my pockets already, but still it was nice of me.

Now that it’s September, many of the valuable bugs are out of season. But even though there wasn’t much variety, I was still finding a good number of valuable insects. In particular, I spotted nine rainbow stags (catching eight of them).

The only other valuable bug I spotted was the goliath beetle, and I caught three of those. I didn’t do much fishing since I didn’t see any shark fins, but I did catch one coelacanth.

Even though I only played about 50 minutes, and only 30 of that was spent bug/fish hunting, I still made 130,000 bells on the night.
Who’s catchphrase is “woof woof”? Both Viola and Purrl have it, so where did it come from?
I originally gave it to Goldie, but it has really spread around town.