Over by town hall, Purrl told me that Puck and Rasher have been fighting lately. She think it’s going to keep escalating, and there’s going to be a food fight before long.

I think Puck will have the advantage, because he’s already wearing a protective helmet.
Bones was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine at Nook ‘n’ Go for him. Get well soon, doggo!

And just outside of his house, Purrl and Gala were having a conversation that started out very nice. Purrl complimented Gala’s outfit, and asked if it was expensive. Gala said it was a hand-me-down…but actually, she was wearing the guard’s uniform (DLC pattern).
Anyway, Gala tried to return the compliment by saying Purrl’s face was looking lovely. But she then asked how much money Purrl spent on plastic surgery.

As you might imagine, Purrl was furious about the accusation.
I tried going on a bit of a bug hunt, but I didn’t find much other than an emperor butterfly and a couple of oak silk moths. Even though you can find some good bugs in September, it’s hard. Because most of the bugs that spawn are worthless ground bugs, like crickets. The tree bugs don’t show up nearly as often as they did in the peak of summer season.
I rode the bus out to the city, and I saw my recently departed villager Violet there. She said she saw someone in the theater laughing hysterically the other day. She compared it to…watching a volleyball game on a stage filled with lasagna? I’m not sure I know what that even means…

Maybe they were just having noodles of fun.