TV-tastic Day

Halloween is just a few days away, and that’s about all some of my villagers would talk about. Candy this, candy that, and then some vague threats to anyone that doesn’t give them what they want. 😛

Walker: Remember, people who don't give out treats...get plenty of tricks in return, wuh!

Puck and Tom, who both also live in my GameCube town, asked me to catch them pikes tonight. Pikes are rather hard to find, and valuable, so I turned them both down. When I visited Portia, she had a very different request for me.

Portia: You know, I think that I've figured it out. Something TV-tastic is key, Jeff!

She wanted a TV! I agreed to help out, but only because it was apparently TV day at Nook ‘n’ Go: Two of their three furniture items today were TVs!

A retro TV and a robo-TV on sale at Nook 'n' Go.

I bought her the retro TV, and she was quite happy with it. She rewarded me with 532 bells…which is less than one-third of what the TV cost. Well, Portia is new in town, so I can let her think I’m nice for now. 😛 Just don’t expect all your requests to be fulfilled. 😛

Goldie asked me to make a delivery to Wolfgang, and I agreed to help out. The item was a pink zap suit, and Wolfgang actually loved it! He put it on right away, and he said it was exactly his style! Maybe he likes cosplaying as the girl Power Ranger. 😂

Wolfgang: Oh, looks like I just scored a new pink zap suit!

Goldie rewarded me with an imperial wall for making the delivery.

After I was done making my rounds, I gathered up a bunch of fruit and sold it at Nook’s shop. I made several runs, and by the time I was done, my bank account hit a new milestone: My balance reached 43 million bells.

Your current balance is 43,000,000 bells.

I won’t be playing City Folk on Halloween, though I will be playing New Horizons instead. Regardless of what you’re doing, I hope you have a great Halloween! And good luck if you’re participating in the Animal Crossing Halloween festivities, in whichever game you’ll be playing. See you next time! 🎃

Bones in Charge

Saturday night is K.K. Slider night, and many of my villagers were talking about the singing dog being in town. Walker even went so far as to say K.K.’s songs are like ice cream for his ears.

Walker: K.K. Slider's songs are cool, sweet, and smooth. They're like ice cream for my ears!

So I went down to the Roost to check out K.K.’s performance for myself. I asked for a random song, and he played K.K. Calypso for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Calypso.

Outside of Nook’s, Bones was carrying around a fishing rod, and he thought it made him look like he was in charge. (How so? Is he a puppy in charge of a guppy?) But he told me it would be a good time to take a picture of him, so I did.

Bones: Now might be a good time to get your picture taken with me!

Puck was telling me about the flea market tomorrow…as he had a flea on him.

Puck: Oh, J-bot, you didn't forget, did you? The Forest flea market is tomorrow, too itchy!

I caught the flea for him, and he concluded that he needed a bath. Probably not a bad idea.

Puck: Geez, lone bone, I guess I should take a bath...

Four-Dog Town

I listened in on a conversation between two dogs tonight (Goldie and Walker). Apparently Walker had been sick, and Goldie took him some medicine and made him some soup. Walker said Goldie was his guardian angel!

Walker: I think you might be my guardian angel!

But even though the conversation started out cute and sweet, Walker got a little greedy. He hinted that he might fake being sick so that he could keep getting more of Goldie’s soup every day. Goldie told him not to push his luck. 😛

Up at the Roost, Tom was enjoying some coffee. He said that the coffee was rich and mysterious, just like him!

Tom: The coffee here is rich and mysterious, much like myself.

He admitted to kidding about the rich part, but he insisted that he really is mysterious. It reminded me of this. 😉

There was a new house where Bob used to live…how dare someone disturb this sacred ground! 😛 Inside, I found Portia the dalmatian.

Portia: What, can't you tell? I just moved here, and now I'm trying to get everything in its proper place!

I kinda have mixed feelings about her. Portia is cute, and I do like dog villagers in general. But she’s also a snooty…and she took Bob’s spot. 😛 I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt for now. Welcome to Forest, Portia!

Another interesting development is that Forest is now a four-dog town! I have Goldie, Bones, Walker, and now Portia. It’s not very often you get four animals of the same species in town. And if you’re wondering about the full breakdown, Forest currently has 4 dogs, 2 cats, 2 pigs, 1 penguin, and 1 wolf.

Two of my villagers had fishing requests for me. Well, technically three if you count Kitty’s request to fish her key out of the river (but I ignored that request). But Walker wanted me to catch a zebra turkeyfish for him, and Gala wanted a horse mackerel.

I helped them both out. Walker rewarded me with a pachira, and Gala gave me a Spaceman Sam.

Gala: Oh! A horse mackerel!