I received Gala’s goodbye letter in the mail today. Does that make her my pig pen pal? It is sad to see her go, though.

It’s K.K. night, so I went down to the Roost to hear some music. K.K. tried to put me to sleep! He sang me a lullaby.

After the show, I ran into Wolfgang outside. He asked me for a new catchphrase to replace his default “snarrrl,” so I told him to say “wolfman” instead.
Rasher was sick with a cold, and he told me not to come any closer. That’s because he said his cold “would kill a lesser animal.”

Is he calling me a lesser animal? Jerk. Just for that, I did not buy him any medicine.
Portia asked me to make a delivery to Goldie, and I agreed to help out. But I had some serious trouble finding Goldie! It took me nearly two trips around town before I saw her. But I gave her the gift (a waitress shirt), and she seemed to enjoy it. Portia rewarded me with a retro TV.
Finding another rare mushroom (worth 16k) put me in a money-making mood. So I went on another fruit run, collecting and selling lots of foreign fruit from around town. At one point, the way the fruit fell off of one certain tree helped me find a buried fossil I had previously missed!

In total, I made 110,000 bells on the night.