Kitty, Astrid Fight

Cranky old Wolfgang had the nerve to ask me for a red snapper tonight.

Wolfgang: Do you mind tossing a good red snapper my way, wolfman?

But it was actually his lucky day, because I decided to be nice for a change and help him out. 😛 Well, I wasn’t sure if I could actually catch one, but I figured I’d at least try.

When I visited Walker, he was practically begging me for medicine, he was so sick. Poor guy.

Walker: Just bring me...some medicine...please... No matter how gross it tastes, I promise I'll take it...

So I made sure to buy some medicine and walk it back to him. Get well soon, Walker!

Astrid asked me to make a delivery to Kitty, and Kitty was wondering why Astrid would actually send a gift.

Kitty: A gift from Astrid? I wonder why? Well, I did compliment her for growing vegetables lately...

The gift was a wrap shirt, and Kitty just thought it was okay. Astrid was not very pleased when I told her Kitty didn’t care for the shirt. But she still gave me a stately wall for making the delivery.

Even though I frequently play this game at night, I was playing even later than usual tonight. In fact, I completely missed out on K.K. Slider’s performance at the Roost! But on the bright side, I did get to hear the 1 a.m. music that I enjoy so much. I don’t hear it very frequently any more, and this was probably the first time since summer.

Bones asked me to catch a lobster for him, and I figured I could look for that and the red snapper at the same time. After about 12 minutes of fishing, I caught a red snapper and took it over to Wolfgang.

Wolfgang: Is there a story? Was there an epic battle, human vs. red snapper? I'll be it was great!

Even though it took an “epic battle” to reel in the snapper, Wolfgang only rewarded me with a modern screen.

When I ran into Rasher, he told me that Kitty and Astrid had a fight so bad that they “tore into each other!”

Rasher: You heard anything about Kitty's fight with Astrid? Word is they tore into each other.

Wow! He didn’t say when the fight took place, but I’m choosing to believe it just happened
right after I told Astrid that Kitty didn’t like her gift. Maybe I helped start the fight, without realizing it! 😛

After about half an hour of fishing, I still never found a lobster for Bones. Sorry, dawg. But on the bright side, I did catch two tuna and four football fish!

Jeff, holding a football fish: TOUCHDOWN!

I just couldn’t sell them tonight, because the shop was already closed.

I’ll see you all next week with another entry. Depending on which day I blog, there will likely be snow on the ground by then! Winter is coming!

4 thoughts on “Kitty, Astrid Fight”

  1. Maybe it WAS the gift. Is it true when you deliver presents for villagers and you say it was not good, they can actually get into huge arguments?

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