I recently received Kitty’s goodbye letter in the mail. It feels weird to not have Kitty in town, especially when I see that big empty space near the southwest beach. But still, I’m glad she finally left.

Many cedar trees are decorated with festive lights for the holidays now. But there are only a few spots in town where you can see three lit-up trees on-screen at the same time.

When I ran into Astrid (the kangaroo who killed Kitty), she asked me to make a delivery to Walker. She mentioned her catchphrase, “my pet,” but it almost sounded as if she was calling Walker her pet. Walker is a dog after all, so it’s semi-believable.

I went down to the Roost and asked K.K. for a random song. I didn’t even realize it was 11:58 p.m. (so I barely made it in time), until I looked at the timestamp on my screenshot. He played K.K. Country, which is not one of my favorites. But I must admit, the live version sounds better than the aircheck.

After the show, I made the delivery to Walker. Astrid sent him a kappa suit, and Walker was not a fan.

When I returned to Astrid, she rewarded me with some cabana flooring.
I have to say, Astrid’s help in getting rid of Kitty is making me like her (Astrid) way more than I would have otherwise. Even though I know it’s really just a coincidence that Kitty moved out after their fight. It’s like I’m just so grateful. It might just be a temporary boost, but for now, she has my approoval.
I took the bus out to the city, but almost everything was closed. Redd’s was still open, and of course the auction house is always open. So I stopped in just to say hello to Lloid.

I posted a new video comparing a number of aspects of the five main Animal Crossing games. If you haven’t seen it yet, I hope you’ll give it a watch.
See you all next time!