I received a letter from the snowman I built last week, and he sent me a snowman lamp. I sold it for a cool 8,888 bells.
When I went to visit Monique, I was surprised to find her all packed up and ready to move out of town. It’s actually a good thing to see her go; I just didn’t think it would happen so soon.

Over in front of town hall, Chip was hanging out due to today’s fishing tournament. He informed me that Goldie won the tourney with a 95-inch tuna! Wow, congrats Goldie!
Puck asked me if I had eaten any pizza today. Ha, I wish. When I told him no, he asked why I was acting all cheesy.

I made my way over to the Roost, where K.K. Slider was performing. I asked for a random song, and he played K.K. Salsa for me. It’s actually a pretty entertaining song when performed live.

After the show, Goldie asked me to catch a mole cricket for her. I agreed to help out, so I kept my ears open. I heard one near the northwest bridge, so I started digging holes. The mole cricket popped out, I swung my net and missed, and then my batteries died!

That was horrible timing for my batteries to die out like that! By the time I replaced the batteries, the mole cricket was obviously long gone. I heard another one behind Scott’s house, and I dug a bunch of holes before it appeared. Once it did show up, the house blocked my view and my blind net swings missed the target. It too got away. Oof.
Fortunately, the third try was the charm. I finally caught a mole cricket near Nook ‘n’ Go.

I took it over to Goldie (who was near where I missed the first mole cricket), and she pinged me as I got there. She wanted me to tell her a new greeting, but I didn’t want to have to think of something for her to say. She got annoyed that I wouldn’t help her, so I had to wait for her to stop being angry before I could give her the bug. But once I did, she was happy to have it.

She gave me some imperial tile for helping out. That task turned out to be trickier than I expected!