Yesterday, Maelle told me that she’s not attracting enough attention lately.

Even though it sounded like she was talking about her “ugly duckling” appearance, she was actually asking me for a new catchphrase. But I didn’t have one to give her, so I told her to stick with the same she’s been using.
I had an even more awkward conversation with Rasher today. He told me that he develops crushes easily, and he has a favorite “type.” Tell me he doesn’t look at least a little bit creepy when he says this:

But it turned out that he was just asking me for modern furniture…in the oddest way possible. I agreed to help out, but the shops didn’t have any modern furniture, and I didn’t have any in storage either. So his furniture “crush” will have to go unfulfilled.
When I ran into Portia, she was talking about moving out of town. However, I told her to stick around longer, and she agreed to stay.

I got my first look at the inside of Maelle’s house today (well, the first look after she unpacked her boxes, I mean). She has lovely furniture and a birdcage in here. But when I turned down her request to find her a yellow bar shirt, she didn’t exactly seem very polite.

Sorry, but finding one specific shirt is hard to do! Able Sisters was already closed for the night anyway.
And over by town hall, Astrid told me that she felt sorry for people who never get to see her at nighttime…because she’s “prettier than a field of butterflies.”

at how hard I rolled my eyes.
I know Astrid helped me out by killing Kitty, but I don’t think I can look past her snootiness forever. I feel like the gratitude I feel towards her is slowly wearing down. But in the meantime, I’ll try to keep giving her the benefit of the doubt.
If you haven’t seen the video I posted a few days, it compares my town of Forest in each of the five main Animal Crossing games. From details like the town fruit and grass shape, to my favorite and worst villagers I’ve had in each game (current and all-time), to things like my proudest accomplishment and remaining goals. Please check it out!
Hi, um how do I get Astrid 2 come 2 my town??? Any thoughts?
Astrid doesn’t support Amiibo cards, so there’s no way to force in any specific villager.