Coffee Cat

I went to Shampoodle today, and made my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover. Harriet even hired me to work behind the counter (just kidding). 😛

Mohawk McClover pretends to work at Shampoodle.

Portia was still sick. I hope she didn’t have chicken pox, because she was covered in spots! 😉

Portia: I haven't felt THIS awful since I ate ten servings of peach crisp in one sitting...

Goldie asked me for a new greeting, and I told her to say “I’m golden!” I wasn’t in a very creative mood, as you can probably tell. 😛 But then again, it’s hard to think up something good when they put you on the spot like that.

Several of my villagers were talking about the fishing tournament coming up this weekend. But I don’t plan on participating.

After making two trips around town, I still didn’t see Tom anywhere. Villagers don’t hide in the museum exhibits in City Folk like they can in New Leaf and New Horizons, but there is one place where they can go: The Roost. He must really like the coffee!

Tom: Man, a fine, locally owned cafe like this is really hard to find these days, lone bone.
Tell me about it! I wish my island had one!

I spoke to him repeatedly, and he eventually spouted this classic line of dialogue that I’ve seen many times before from other characters.

Tom: The coffee here is rich and mysterious, much like myself.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! And good luck if you’ll be participating in the upcoming fishing tourney! 🙂

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