Wolfgang told me he was looking for a certain lucky bug tonight, and he said he’s heard that people call it a spider…as if I would be unfamiliar with the term “spider.”

When I visited Astrid, I was a bit surprised to see that she was all packed up and ready to move out of town. While she wasn’t exactly my favorite villager, I actually will miss her. I greatly appreciated her help in getting rid of Kitty.

I started shaking trees to look for that spider for Wolfgang, but I first found a bee instead. One of them stung me without me ever seeing it (because it was hidden behind a house). My villagers certainly noticed my deformed face.

I went down to the Roost to check out the Saturday night musical performance from K.K. Slider. He played DJ K.K. for me; it’s a good song.

After taking some medicine and shaking more trees, I eventually found the spider I was looking for.

I took the spider over to Wolfgang, and he told me I deserved a medal. But he just gave me a pear dresser. That’s alright. I’ll take it.