0 Dalmatians

On Monday, I found out that Portia is moving out of town. She didn’t give me any advance notice, or I would have tried to stop her.

Portia: I'm moving out soon! I'm just too special to stay in one town for very long.

In the city, I ran into Stitches the teddy bear. He said he was thinking about getting a haircut because he’s “shaggier than a shredded laptop.” I literally have no idea what that means.

Stitches: I was thinking about getting a haircut today 'cause I'm shaggier than a shredded laptop!

I played again today, and I received Portia’s goodbye letter in the mail.

Dear Jeff, The day has come for me to leave Forest. Thank you for making life here SO wonderful. I'll always remember you! -From: Portia

Forest now has only three dogs remaining. But fortunately, they are three of my favorite dogs: Goldie, Bones, and Lucky.

Another possible point of interest is that Bob’s original house plot is now free once again. If he wants to come back and reclaim his spot, I would be more than happy with that. Believe it or not, it has been seven and a half years since Bob left…so it’s not completely impossible to think he could return at some point. 😛

As for my current favorite villager, Goldie asked me to make a delivery to Gwen tonight. I took the grass shirt to the snooty penguin, and Goldie later rewarded me with a mop.

Goldie: Um, I can give you a mop.

As far as I can tell, its name is not Moppina. 😛

In the city tonight, I ran into this shady character named Rizzo. 😉

Rizzo: I was planning to stop by Redd's shop while I was here, but now I'm not so sure I should go.

He just moved out of my New Horizons town on Wednesday, so now I guess I know where he went. 😛

If you haven’t yet seen my latest ACCF video, City Folk Moments #12, here it is! I hope you enjoy it!

Snorkeling on Land

Last Friday, I ran into Daisy at GracieGrace. She said she should probably come back later when prices have dropped more.

Daisy: I think that maybe I should come again later, when the prices have dropped a little more... Bow-WOW.

My first thought was “yeah, good luck with that,” but she’s actually right. It’s been so long since I actually shopped here that I forgot they do drop prices several times at the end of each season. The stuff is still very expensive, though.

Saharah was in town, looking for old wallpaper. So I asked around and received just two, from Rasher and Portia.

Portia: And don't tell anyone I gave you that old wallpaper, OK, wolfman?

That left me one short of the three I needed, and I didn’t have any spares in storage. So I just put these two in storage for next time.

On Monday, I got a chuckle out of Nook ‘n’ Go’s bulletin board post. They posted that they had a rare common painting in stock. 😛

-Nook Special- This just in! We just received a rare piece, a common painting, in our showroom! Nook 'n' Go

I saw Pascal on the bridge, and I went up and spoke to him…without even remembering to pick up a scallop first. But he told me that hanging out at the beach is like snorkeling on land.

Pascal: Hanging out at the beach is just like snorkeling on land, maaan.

Bones has been sick the past couple days, so I’ve given him medicine yesterday and today. He even said his head was spinning, which just reminded me of the time he was running in circles. 😛

Bones: My head is kinda spinning right now, woof woof... Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Back outside, I shot down this balloon present. There was a beach table inside.

Jeff shoots down a balloon present.

When I started up the game as my Scott character to fix a couple of path patterns, I got another pack of “not used” flower seeds in the mail from Mom. They turned out to be pink tulips. Last time, they were black cosmos. I guess “not used” is just a generic name for hybrid flower seeds, regardless of which ones they are.

I’ve posted a couple videos over the past few days that feature some ACCF footage, even though they’re not strictly ACCF videos. Just today, I took a look back at some exclusive favors in each Animal Crossing game (such as the lost key in City Folk).

And I also recently posted a video about five special characters that are not animals.

Flea Infestation

Lucky approached me tonight and said he was thinking about moving out of town. I told him to stay, and he indicated that he’d like to stay, but he’s not sure if he can.

Lucky: Oh, J-bot... I'd really like to stay. But I don't know if I can get outta this one, in 2021...

I took a bus ride out to the city, where it was raining. My New Horizons enemy Rizzo was there. He wanted to check out Crazy Redd’s shop, but he was nervous about going to that “sketchy” part of the city. 😛 Since when is a rat afraid of being caught in a bad neighborhood?

Rizzo: That part of the city is awfully sketchy, you know, squee?

Back in Forest, I heard the unmistakable sound of fleas hopping around. My newest neighbor Gwen had fleas! I was kind enough to save her from the infestation.

I caught a flea! Itchy itchy!

She was mad about it, and she insisted that someone else gave her the fleas. I laughed off that excuse, but one minute later, I realized that she might have been telling the truth. Again, I heard fleas hopping around, this time on Goldie!

Goldie: I feel so dirty! Thank you for taking care of them for me...woof woof.

I also saved Goldie from the fleas. If Goldie gave her fleas to Gwen, I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose. Goldie is a good dog!

I continued talking to Lucky to see if he would mention moving again, but he kept talking about bugs and clothing.

Lucky: I sure hope I look as cool as a glass of ICE-COLD hot cocoa!
Umm… what?

He also asked me to catch a pill bug for him, and I did. When I gave it to him, he rewarded me with a manor wall.

I talked to him many times tonight, but he never brought up moving again. So I think he might be staying, although I’m not 100% sure about it. I hate when they give vague responses; I’d rather hear a definitive answer so I knew if I had to keep trying to save him or not.

Anyway, I hope you all have a good day…and don’t catch fleas! 😉