Grandma This, Grandma That

I received Astrid’s goodbye letter in the mail today. If I ever get Kitty in any of my towns, I’ll be sure to call for your help again, Astrid. 😉

To: Jeff, I wonder where I'll be when you get this letter? Well, I know I won't be in Forest, because I've moved away. Thanks for everything. And take care! -Astrid

Rasher was sick with a cold. And he was so out of it, that he thought I was his grandmother!

Rasher: COUGH, HACK, WHEEEZE! Ugh...Grandma, is that... you? No...? Oh...nice of you to visit, woof woof.

Somehow I doubt his grandmother wears a green mohawk. But I decided to be nice to him anyway, and I bought some medicine for him at the shop. Get well soon, Rasher! I don’t want you spreading your sickness to the good animals in town. 😛

K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed Two Days Ago. It’s one of my favorite K.K. songs, but I just heard Two Days Ago three weeks ago (in New Horizons). 😛

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Two Days Ago.

Maelle asked me to make a delivery to Wolfgang, and I agreed to help out. Wolfgang wasn’t home, and it took me a little while to track him down. And once I did, the wait was not worth it. The gift was a bunny shirt, and Wolfgang hated it!

Wolfgang: Oh, Maelle...I hate to be a jerk, but my grandma knits trendier stuff...
Why is everyone mentioning their grandma tonight? 😛

When I returned to Maelle and told her the news, she rewarded me with a mod wall. I felt a bit like Wolfgang did. 😉