New Snooty Penguin

The fishing tournament was held today, but I did not participate. However, Chip informed me that Portia was the winner, with a 40.3-inch sea bass.

Chip: Portia from here in Forest! Solid fishing! But not so much for you. Nyuuk nyuk.

Astrid’s replacement has moved in, and I was sad to see that it’s Gwen the snooty penguin. Maybe Puck will appreciate having another penguin around, but I don’t share that sentiment.

Gwen: Well, the rumors are true! I am the newly arrived Gwen that the whole town is talking about!
So, Gwen can you move out?

When I spoke with Tom, he asked me about my new job at Forest Deliveries. Wait, what new job at Forest Deliveries? 😛

Tom: How's the new job at Forest Deliveries going? Whaddaya mean, you don't work there?

But of course, that was just his way of asking me to make a delivery for him. So I took a package over to Maelle, and it was a bone shirt! It’s not Halloween, so why is he sending Maelle a bone shirt? 😂

Maelle wearing a bone shirt in her house.

When I returned to Tom, he gave me a plush carpet for making the delivery.

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song, and he played K.K. Lament for me. It’s a sad song, but I still enjoyed it.

K.K. Slider performs at the Roost.

I shot down a balloon present, and it contained a brick block. I wish the Mario items in New Horizons could be obtained this way.