No Bones About It

I was thoroughly disappointed when I walked into Bones’s house today. I saw my doggy all packed up and ready to move out of town. 🙁

Bones: Well, see, I'm actually leaving Forest. For good, woof woof.

Even though I also played yesterday, Bones made no mention of his plans. He has lived here since January 2019. And his departure will leave Forest with just two dogs (Goldie and Lucky), after I had four dogs for a good while recently. I’m sad to see him go. The only good news is that I still have him on my New Horizons island.

Anyway, that wasn’t the only questionable move involving bones: Tom put two fossils (both apparently wings) right in front of his door. The back half of his room is clear and empty, but you have to dodge some giant bony fossils as soon as you enter.

Tom's wing fossils in front of his door.
Did you hire an interior decorator, or did you just wing it?

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He played K.K. Lament, which is a good–but sad–song. That was okay with me, because it matched my mood today.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Lament.

Last week, I mentioned that the door to Katrina’s fortune-teller shop is rarely used. But very close to that spot, there was an even less-frequently used opening tonight:

A light is on at the end of the street, indicating the Reset Center is open.

It’s the entrance to the Reset Surveillance Center, and I found Don–but not Resetti–inside. He said his brother “Sonny” just went to get a massage at Myrtle’s Macho Mole Spa. 😛

Don: Still, when I see him moussin' his whiskers in front of the mirror, I kinda feel like gaggin'...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone.