A Rash Decision

I ran into Gwen by a pond tonight, and she told me the proper way to hold a fishing rod. She said to extend your pinky finger “WAY out.” But her tip wasn’t about fishing, it was just about looking fantastic while holding a fishing rod. 😛

Gwen: That's the Gwen style of fishing anyway. I don't catch much, but I LOOK fantastic!
Well, about that…

I entered Rasher’s house to see that he had all his belongings packed up in boxes! Yes! My least favorite villager in town is moving out!

Rasher: See, this whole moving thing came up so fast I didn't think I'd have time to say good-bye to folks.

It was K.K. night, so I headed down to the Roost to enjoy a song. He played Aloha K.K. for me. It’s not a bad song, but I was yawning my way through it. 😛

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Aloha K.K..

Back outside, I listened in on a conversation between Lucky and Queenie. He asked what her daily routine was like, and she went into way too much detail.

Queenie: But only specialty coffee that I get from the Roost. And the cereal NEVER has marshmallows in it.

Lucky was getting frustrated because he didn’t think Queenie was eating enough food…or enough good food. He asked me to catch a catfish for him… wait. A dog wants a catfish? I was fortunate enough to find one in the river, and he rewarded me with a bucket.

Lucky: OK then, let me give you a bucket in exchange, woof woof!
That pails in comparison to most furniture rewards.

And of course, I spent a good chunk of time bug-hunting. I was finding a lot of good bugs. For example, here you can see a golden stag and a giant beetle at the same time. I caught them both. 🙂

A golden stag and giant beetle on nearby trees in ACCF.

My haul included eight scarab beetles, eight goliath beetles, seven giant beetles, three golden stags, three elephant beetles, two hercules beetles, an atlas beetle, a cyclommatus, and a shark.

In all, I earned about 330,000 bells on the night! Granted, it was a fairly long play session (1 hour, 45 minutes), but I’d say it was quite productive. It actually could’ve been even better, but several valuable bugs got away (including a couple of tarantulas that walked into the ocean). But it was enough to bump my bank account balance up to 46 million bells.

Your current balance is 46,000,000 bells.

With Rasher leaving and a big 330k payday, I’d say this was a very good day. 👍