Puck Out of Town

I was quite disappointed to find that my old friend Puck was all packed up and ready to move out of town tonight. He didn’t give me any warning this time, or I would have tried to save him (like I did last month).

Puck: Well, see, I'm actually leaving Forest. For good, on ice.
Goodbye, friend.

But at least I still have Puck in my GameCube town, where he has lived for many years (along with 12 other seemingly permanent villagers). Tom is another of those villagers in my GameCube town, but my ACCF version of him was sick with a cold tonight. I gave him some medicine I had stored in a letter.

Tom: Huh? Oh, thanks, Chill J. You're a real good friend. I mean that, me-YOWZA...

When I checked the recycle bin at town hall, I found myself a free sleigh. 🛷

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider to play a random song. He performed K.K. Marathon, and I did not enjoy the song. It’s such a boring song to sit through. 😛

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Marathon.

When I visited Goldie, she told me that she found a book about the history of Forest. It made me wish this game had a town history you could view, like the one you can find in New Leaf. It would be so interesting to see everyone who has come and gone (even though the New Leaf one only lists current villagers, not former villagers).

Goldie: You'll never guess what I found propping up one leg of my table! A book on Forest's history!

But Goldie was actually just asking me for a fossil, in a roundabout way. 😛 So I gave her a stego tail that I dug up, and she rewarded me with a writing desk.

Queenie reminded me of the flea market coming up tomorrow. I don’t plan to participate, but that wasn’t the only mention of fleas in town tonight. Two of my villagers had fleas on them: Gwen and Simon. I was nice enough to help them both out. 😛

Simon: Geez, zzzook, I guess I should take a bath...
Simon says take a bath.

I’ll see you all with another entry next week. Have a great day, and Never Stop Crossing!

Fighting Like Cats & Dogs

Nat was in town today, and he told me the results of the Bug-Off: Maelle won with a 56-point walkingstick.

Nat: The 56-point walkingstick caught by Maelle from right here in Forest.

Rizzo was sneaking around behind Nat, but he was talking about fishing, not bug-catching.

Rizzo: When I go fishing, I'm trying to get as many dinners for my effort as possible.

He also informed me that a large fish shadow means a large fish is in the water. Wow, what a great fishing tip! 😀 Who knew? 😉

Saturday night is K.K. night, so I headed down to the Roost to check out the show. K.K. Slider performed K.K. Safari for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Safari.

Lucky later asked me for a new greeting, and I told him to say “Unwrap me!” 😛

Lucky: Unwrap me!!

When I spoke with Wolfgang, he was complaining about Tom and Lucky; he said they’ve been fighting like cats and dogs! But that’s exactly what they are!

Wolfgang: Oh, sorry, I should explain. Tom and Lucky have been at it like cats and dogs.

At Redd’s shop in the city, he had a trio of “scary” looking items, including the scary painting and a spaceman. But then I realized something else: The raccoon figurine is called a “racoon” figurine in this game. So it’s a bit weird to see Redd spell raccoon two different ways in consecutive sentences. 😛

Redd: That racoon figurine is offered through my shop only. No raccoon with an apron's gonna have this!

Goldie asked me to give her a hammerhead shark if I happened to catch one. And I did look for a little while, but I didn’t see a single shark fin during my session.

Sorry, Simon

Today, I did something very unusual: I played during the daylight hours! 😛 Wolfgang told me that he was planning on moving out of town. Believe it or not, I told him to stick around. I admit that the old grump has grown on me.

Wolfgang: It's just about time I packed up my things and moved on, wolfman.

Lucky is now sick with a cold. That’s never fun, but maybe he can at least use his bandages as tissues if he has to sneeze. I gave him some medicine that I had attached to a letter. Get well soon, dawg!

Lucky flips as he takes his medicine.
He has a bad sar-cough-agus.

I ran into Queenie, and she was thinking about getting her face done in a “superspecial way” at the salon. That would be funny if villagers actually could get their face or hair done. In fact, it’s a bit surprising that it’s never been added to the series considering all the things they can do in the newer games.

Queenie: So, I've been thinking... I need to get my face done in a superspecial way!

Later on, I went to K.K. Slider’s concert. I asked for a random song, and he whistled Dixie for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Dixie.

Outside, Tom asked if I thought the way he talked was nice or scary. I said nice, and he said that if the guys from his old neighborhood heard that, he would never hear the end of it. 😛

Tom: I can just hear it now... Tom is all sunshine and flowers! Let's dance in the meadow! Ugh.

Simon asked me to catch a moth for him…and I tried. But I was having an extremely difficult time finding one. In fact, I only spotted one…and I accidentally scared it away.

But while I was looking for a moth, I made a number of good catches. That included two goliath beetles, two rainbow stags, a dorado, a ray, and at least five emperor butterflies. I actually made about 90,000 bells tonight, even though I wasn’t originally planning on doing any hunting. 😛

Sorry, Simon. At least I tried.