Dog House Key

I received Puck’s goodbye letter in the mail tonight. So long, old friend.

Dear Jeff, It's almost time for me to leave Forest. 'Cause of you, every day I lived here was tons of fun. Thanks for everything! I'll miss you! -Puck

K.K. Slider was performing at the Roost tonight. I asked him for a random song, and he played Imperial K.K. for me. Not bad.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Imperial K.K.

Poor Goldie locked herself out of her house, so I went fishing to find her key. If it was anyone else, I probably wouldn’t have bothered. But Goldie should consider herself lucky that I like her so much. 😛

I caught a key! ...Whose key is this?

When I returned it to her, she gave me a kiddie wall.

Goldie: This is my key!

And I was happy to see that she actually went inside her house. Sometimes you’ll go to the trouble of finding a villager’s key, and then they don’t even use it! 😀

On Thursday, I posted a new Mario Plays ACCF video. It’s the first one in over a year! I hope you enjoy it!

See you all next time!