No One Moves in Like Gaston

Curt asked me to find him some new clothes tonight, and I told him I’d help out. He said he knew I was the type who couldn’t bear to see a friend in need. I’m sure the pun wasn’t intended, but I appreciated it regardless. 😛

Curt: I knew you were the type who can't bear to see a friend in a pinch! Thanks a ton, fuzzball!

I ran into Gwen, and she told me she was going to get herself a deluxe tumbler. She said that spoiling herself with “deluxe” things help her pass the time between events.

Gwen: There aren't any more events for a while, so desiring deluxe things helps me pass the time!

Even though Wolfgang is gone, his house was still there! Well, at least there was a house in the same spot. It belongs to Gaston now! He may be fairly unpopular, but I like him!

Gaston: Huh? How did you get in here?
I hid in your mustache.

I rolled up a snowman, and unlike the one from last week, he was pleased with his appearance. ⛄

Snowman: Sniff... Snuffle... I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so emotional, but this is a big moment for me.

Maelle was enjoying some coffee at the Roost, and she asked how much cream and sugar I like in my coffee. I said “a lot,” and she had jokes. 😛

Maelle: So, you're really saying that you take your cream and sugar...with a TEENY amount of coffee?!
…but yeah, pretty much. 😂

When I asked K.K. Slider for a random song, he played Cafe K.K. for me and Maelle (and Brewster, I suppose).

K.K. Slider performs as Maelle enjoys some coffee in the background.

At the lost and found, I found a flame shirt. I took it over to Curt, and he lived up to his name. He got mad because it wasn’t a “subtle” shirt. He never said the shirt had to be subtle!!

Curt: Whoa, whoa, hold it! What part of this thing says subtle to you?

So I subtly pushed his butt into a pitfall.

Curt: Whaa! Why isn't the ground doing its job?!
You’re welcome.