
I started off my day with a trip to Shampoodle. I dyed my hair green, and put on my club shirt and mohawk wig, to make my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover.

Back in town, Maelle told me someone canceled on her, and she asked if I would “go with her.” She was being purposely vague.

Maelle: Sorry for the short notice, but would you go with me?

I knew that meant she wanted to play hide-and-seek, so I agreed. But it is kinda funny how they try to trick you into playing. 😛 Anyway, she gave me a full 15 minutes to find her, Gwen, and Queenie. They’re all birds! Maybe she should’ve called it Hide-and-Beak.

Maelle: The time limit is 15 minutes! To win, you have to find all 3 of us in that time.

It took me about two minutes to find Gwen hiding behind a tree. Another two minutes after that, I found Maelle hiding behind an empty house. There were still 11 minutes on the timer, but she felt the need to insult me for taking so long. 🙄

Maelle: Wow, I had no idea that I'd have to wait so long here. Hurry, duckling!

One minute after that (with ten minutes still on the timer), I found Queenie hiding behind Maelle’s house. I easily won the game, and Maelle gave me a weight bench as my prize.

Maelle: It's a weight bench, and it's all yours, duckling!

When I visited Gaston, he basically said that he didn’t believe I really caught every type of fish. He said I must have bribed a river spirit with some mud.

Gaston: Ah...a river spirit! So all I need to do is find enough mud to bribe a river! Thanks for the advice!
Listen here, mustache…

Stitches asked me to make a delivery to Gaston, and I agreed to help out. The item was a birdhouse, and Stitches ultimately rewarded me with an automatic washer. He also said he was like a jelly donut, but filled with gratitude instead of jelly. Well, he’s stuffed with something alright, but I don’t think it’s gratitude. 😀

Stitches: I'm like a jelly doughnut, except instead of jelly, I'm filled with gratitude!

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