On Tuesday, Mom sent me this letter about taking a walk with Dad on a gorgeous spring day. It was so cute!

I found a new house in town, so I went inside to meet Maelle’s replacement. It was a villager I already have in New Horizons: Apollo!

I like Apollo a lot, so I’m eagle eager to see more of him around town.
Yesterday, Pascal was in town, standing on my southern bridge. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any scallops on the beach, and I didn’t have any in storage either. But I still spoke with him to hear his words of wisdom. He was wondering why boats don’t have fins.

Today, Stitches told me that he had to move out of town!

I told him to stay, but he still insisted on leaving. So I kept trying and trying. It took about eight tries, but he eventually relented.
Apollo was home today, so I got to see the inside of his house now that he has unpacked. He has some modern furniture, a couple of chess pieces, and a couple of fossils. I normally like modern furniture, but they don’t look good with this wallpaper and flooring.

I prefer his house in New Horizons.
It’s been a whopping four years since I’ve last seen a UFO in this game. A big reason for that is because I mostly play on Fridays and/or Saturdays, and the UFO can only come Mondays through Thursdays. But I’d really like to remedy that. No UFO today though, because Pete was in town instead.

I gathered up all the seashells on the shore, and I found a scallop. I put it in a letter, so I’ll be ready the next time Pascal shows up.
See you again next week!