That’s a Wrap!

I barely made it to the fireworks festival tonight, with mere minutes to spare. Tortimer gave me a Roman candle, and I promptly gave him his annual turtle wax.

Burning Tortimer with a Roman candle.
The shell shine costs extra, sorry.

I also looked up to the sky to enjoy a few moments of the fireworks.

Enjoying the fireworks in ACCF.

Wart Jr. walked into the plaza, and he told me that he was thinking about moving out of town!

Wart Jr.: It's just about time I packed up my things and moved on, grr-ribbit.

I encouraged him to go, although I must admit I don’t dislike him quite as much as I thought he would. Despite his appearance, he seems like a nice guy. But I’m okay with him leaving anyway. 😛

After the clock struck midnight, the fireworks ended for the year. Tortimer was sad that he’ll have to wait until next year to see more. I think I’d have to agree with him. It feels like there weren’t enough of them this year (because we only had four Sundays in August, compared to five the past two years).

Tortimer: Well. I guess this is it for fireworks this year. No more fireworks until next year. How sad...
That’s a wrap!

Tom was still sick tonight, but he initially tried to blame it on a lasagna allergy! When did he have lasagna? Who does he think he is, Garfield?

Tom: Ha-choo! That's weird. My lasagna allery hasn't acted up in ages. I better not be sick...

I gave him another dose of medicine, so hopefully he will get well soon.

Since it was very late when I played (and since I’ve already met my bell goal for summer), I didn’t do any additional bug-hunting (except for a few that I saw as I made my rounds).

2022 Summer Goal Met

Gaston asked for a new catchphrase yesterday, and I told him to say “my ‘stache.” He hasn’t used it in a funny way yet, but I think it has potential. (“In my stache” would have been funnier, but it wouldn’t fit.)

Gaston: My 'stache... My 'stache... Yeah, that might work, my 'stache!

I’ve hardly seen any sharks all summer, surprisingly enough. But that changed when I caught two of them last night (one hammerhead and one regular shark). It’s always satisfying to bring them in. 🦈

My Friday night session was just about one hour, and I earned 145k on the night.

I played again tonight, and Tom was sick with a cold. I gave him some medicine, but he said he still felt “fadey.”

Tom: Oooh...that's some fast-acting stuff there. My symptoms are fading, but, I feel...fadey.
Did Jerry give you an invisibility potion?

I went up to the Roost for the Saturday night show and asked for a random song. K.K. Slider played Rockin’ K.K., which felt a little too fast and happy for my mood. 😛 But I did appreciate all the quick camera cuts that the game does to match the fast beat of the song.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Rockin' K.K..

Big Top asked me for a lantern fly, so I kept my eyes out for one as I hunted for bugs. I caught one for him, and in return, he gave me a palace tile (flooring).

Big Top: Yes! A lantern fly!

In my 52-minute session tonight, I earned over 129,000 bells. And that was enough to kick my bank account balance up to 53 million bells! That’s right, I have met my summer goal a few days ahead of schedule! 🎉

Your current balance is 53,000,000 bells.

I plan on playing again tomorrow night for the final fireworks festival of the year. But I’m not yet sure if I’ll post a blog entry, or just save those screenshots for later in the week. I’ll see how things go tomorrow.

Enjoy the fireworks tomorrow! Hope to see you again soon.

Construction Zone

Yesterday (Friday), I went bug-hunting and earned 174k in a 53-minute session.

Today, I got to see inside of Vladimir’s house for the first time since he unpacked. He has a lot of construction equipment in here, including an arrow that points to an empty corner just beyond a cone. I’m guessing that’s where he uses the toilet, and that traffic cone keeps him from stepping in anything accidentally. (TMI?)

The inside of Vladimir's house in Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF).
He goes to the corner to do his putin‘.

Tom floated the idea of moving out of town, but I promptly shot down his request.

Tom: And moving's such a hassle, anyway. All right, you've convinced me. I'll stay in Forest!

Because I was playing after midnight, I missed out on two of today’s events: The Bug-Off (which ended at 6 p.m.), and K.K. Slider’s concert (which I missed by about 15 minutes). Oh well.

Over by town hall, Goldie offered me a stroller. Does she seem to think I have a kid on the way? 😛

Goldie: Say... Darling, do you have any interest in a stroller? It's free, woof woof!

As much as I hate to say it, the summer bug season is starting to wind down! There’s only a week and a half until August ends, so I made sure to do some more bug-hunting tonight. But of course, I still stop to fish when I see a shark fin, or a huge fish in the river. I caught this arapaima tonight.

I caught an arapaima! It's a
It’s a what? Don’t keep me in suspense! 😛

Curt had been using “awwwk” as a catchphrase, which originally belonged to Queenie the ostrich. So when he asked me for a new one, I jumped at the chance. This certainly isn’t the best choice, but I just wanted something new and different; so I told him to say “on toast.”

Curt: Thanks to you, I feel like a new animal, on toast!

Tonight’s 50-minute session resulted in 139k bells earned. My account balance is now over 52.7 million bells, so I need less then 300k in the next ten days to reach my goal. Not a problem. 😎