There Goes My Hero

On Wednesday, Grizzly asked me to find a seismo chest (fossil) for him. I knew it was unlikely I’d find one, but I told him I’m keep an eye out anyway. He responded with an unintentional bear pun.

Grizzly: I knew you were the type who can't bear to see a friend in a pinch! Thanks a ton, grrr...!

There was a meteor shower on Wednesday night, and I stood by a waterfall to watch the shooting stars for a while. Here you can see two of them on-screen at once!

Two shooting stars fly by during a meteor shower in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Today, I was quick disappointed to find that Big Top is moving out of town!

Big Top: Well, see, I'm actually leaving Forest. For good, at circus.

He moved into Forest one year ago (almost to the day), and his presence here is partially why I let Big Top move out of my New Leaf town in April. So all versions of Forest will be Big Top-less for the first time in nearly ten years!

The fishing tournament was held today, but of course I didn’t participate. However, Chip informed me that Boomer was the big winner with a 41.2-inch sea bass.

I realized it was almost midnight, so I ran to the Roost as fast as I could. I barely made it in time, with the midnight chimes going off just a couple seconds into my conversation with K.K. Slider. 😛 I asked him for a random song, and he played Marine Song 2001 for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Marine Song 2001.

This song always reminds me of the music glitch I encountered during online play many years ago, when this song played almost everywhere…including outside. 😛

Grizzly was tired of waiting for me to track down a seismo chest, so he called off the search. He said fossils are dumb and old, and he decided that if he wants bones, he’ll get some fresh ones instead! 😲

Grizzly: Seriously, if I want bones, I'll get some fresh ones, you know? But thanks anyway, grrr...!

Gaston asked me to make a delivery to Curt, and the gift was a skull shirt…very appropriate for October! 💀 When I told Gaston I was finished, he rewarded me with a kiddie wall. And he told me to enjoy his ‘stache. 😛

Gaston: As a little thank-you, take a kiddie wall. Enjoy, my 'stache!

I posted an updated version of my Forest Quick Comparisons today, so check it out if you’re interested: