Foot Fingers

On Monday, Vladimir asked me to make a delivery to Grizzly for him. I agreed to help out, and Grizzly was happy with the skull shirt that Vladimir sent.

Grizzly: It's great to have friends that'll go out of their way to send you a little something, at circus!

Vladimir later rewarded me with an old brick wall. Just what I always wanted. 😛

Tom Nook was apparently hosting a block party at Nook ‘n’ Go. 😉 The three pieces of furniture for sale were all tall, rectangular items: an exotic wardrobe, a storage case, and a ranch bookcase.

Three rectangular items for sale at Nook 'n' Go.
Is this the right angle to take a screenshot from? 😉

At Crazy Redd’s shop in the city, I jokingly tried to buy an item I didn’t have the money for. Redd wasn’t happy that I tried to get it for cheaper than his asking price, and he said “What’n the Sam Hill?” 😛

Redd: What'n the Sam Hill?

And with St. Patrick’s Day coming up soon, I made my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover yesterday. But I took it a step further than usual by getting green shoes this time! Well, they’re green and white stripes, but that’s the best I can do. 😛

Mohawk McClover with green shoes, standing next to Kicks.

Tonight, Pascal was in town, standing on Forest’s middle bridge. He asked if fingers started growing on our feet, would we have to call them hands instead of feet? Pascal says some odd stuff sometimes, but this is one of his weirdest comments.

Pascal: If fingers start growing on your feet, do you have to call them hands, maaaan?

Boomer said he was considering moving out, and I asked him to stay. Not so much because I like him, but because I really want to get some more crankies out instead (just not Tom). I think I changed his mind, but his dialogue wasn’t 100% convincing.

Boomer: But I'll try asking if there's some way I can stay!

I tried talking to him several more times, and he didn’t mention moving. But I did (accidentally) catch a conversation between him and Lobo. They were talking about food, and I couldn’t even see Lobo behind the cliff. I couldn’t see much of Boomer, either. 😛

Lobo: Wow...ah-rooooo. Just hearing that gives me heartburn...

Have a great weekend, Animal Crossing fans! 🙂