A Starter Returns

On Monday, I received Hopper’s goodbye letter in the mail.

Jeff, I've made up my mind to move out of Forest. This place is great, and I'm gonna be sad to leave it, but it's time to move on! Keep your ears clean, kid! -Hopper

Yesterday, his replacement moved in. It’s Gabi the rabbit, who was actually one of my starters back in 2008! I’m not a huge fan of Gabi, but she’s certainly not as bad as some villagers I have in Forest right now.

Gabi: Oh! Hiya! I'm Gabi!

Speaking of those worse villagers, I pitfall’d one of them. 😉

Jambette, in a pitfall: Eeeek!

Queenie asked me to visit her house, which is actually a pretty rare thing in this game. I agreed, but she made me schedule a time (5:00). In the meantime, she went home, locked her door, and put up this sign. This is something I don’t see very often!

Sign on Queenie's door: Tidying up. Have patience.

I ran into Pascal on the southern bridge, and I found a scallop on the beach to give him. But first, he wanted to talk about reading the dictionary. 😛

Pascal: You ever just sat down and READ a dictionary, maaan? It's got EVERYTHING in there!

He then asked for the scallop and gave me a helm in its place…before he jumped into the river and swam away.

Jambette asked me to make a delivery to Queenie, but there was a potential problem: She wanted the delivery done by 5 p.m.! And Queenie wasn’t going to open her door until then…or so I thought.

But I went by Queenie’s house, and fortunately, her door was open early. In fact, it was just barely after 4:30! However, she wouldn’t let me give her the delivery; she was only interested in me visiting. And she kept asking me to touch her furniture.

Queenie: If there's something you like here, I'll let you touch it. Just this once!

Once I was done touching everything (ahem), I decided to leave. She asked what I thought of her house, and I told her it was awesome. But she thought I was being sarcastic, and she got mad!

Queenie: Well, I've had enough of your smart-alecky pants for today.

Once I was outside, I re-entered her house to make the delivery. When I told her it was from Jambette, she said she didn’t expect anything too tasteful from her. 😆😆😆 (After that, I just had to forgive her for getting mad at me.) 😛

Queenie: From Jambette? I guess I shouldn't expect anything too tasteful from HER then, hmm...?
The gift was a fire hydrant.

Once I finally tracked Jambette down again, she rewarded me with a floral wall.

Today, Queenie sent me a letter, thanking me for visiting yesterday. She attached 500 bells as a gift. Ooh, big spender. 😛

Gabi was outside today, so I didn’t get to see the inside of her house yet. But she was discussing decorating, saying she was conflicted by the battles of angel Gabi and devil Gabi. 😛

Gabi: Within me, fierce furniture battles rage between the angel Gabi and the devil Gabi!
You might want to see Dr. Shrunk about this problem.

I posted a full gameplay video of yesterday’s session, so check it out if you’d like to see a fairly typical session of mine:

See you again soon! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

New C

On Wednesday, I got to see the inside of Jambette’s house now that she’s all unpacked. It actually looks kinda nice…unlike her. 😉

The inside of Jambette's house in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Today, I designed a new pattern for the first time in a long time. 😛 In honor of the Cavs making the NBA playoffs for the first time in five years, I made their C logo.

The Cleveland Cavaliers C logo in ACCF.

I think it came out pretty good, although it does look a bit stretched out on a shirt. It looks better displayed on the ground, or on a flag. And speaking of flags, I made it my new town flag. It’s on display at the castle gate, near my other Cavs designs I made in previous years.

My Cavs flag and other Cavs patterns.
At least I don’t have to display a flag of a flag now. 😛

And yes, I also remembered to save a copy of my new pattern at Able Sisters. 🙂 When there’s no QR codes or Custom Design Portal like in the newer games, I want to be extra careful not to lose my patterns.

I found Hopper all packed up in boxes this afternoon. He’s on his way out.

Hopper: I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not running off to the circus... But I am moving!

Even though Hopper certainly isn’t the worst villager in town, I’m okay with him going. His departure will leave me with just five crankies, which is still a lot, but it’s much better than the 7-8 crankies I’ve had lately. Forest is finally starting to recover from the cranky crisis of 2022-3. 😛

I finally cleaned up my leftover candy that’s been on the ground from Festivale and Bunny Day. 😛

Keep an eye out for a new City Folk Moments video coming soon! 🙂

Ugly Convention

Sunday was Easter, and I decided to participate in the Bunny Day festivities. So I went around town, digging up the many buried bunny eggs and opening them up. Some contained candy, which I can save for Halloween or Festivale. The rest contained bunny foils, which can be given to Zipper T. Bunny in exchange for special egg furniture. 🥚

Zipper: It's an egg toy set!

I had to go around town 3+ full times before I found all twelve bunny foils. But I sold those twelve egg items for a nice chunk of change: 107,776 bells. 😎

Tom Nook: Ah, for all of that, I'll give you 107,776 bells!

Yesterday, I was walking along my eastern cliff, when I saw Harry and Jambette talking down below. They were both in a good mood after their conversation, and they were whistling (or singing?) together. I guess they were having an Ugly Convention down there. 😛

Harry and Jambette singing after enjoying their Ugly Convention.

Wendell was in town today, although I didn’t bother speaking with him. But Antonio was telling me all about him. He said that Wendell is so hungry that he could eat an oatmeal planet! Oh, is there such a thing?

Antonio: I kept feeding him... But his gut is like a black hole! That dude could eat an oatmeal planet.

Good thing I’m not an oatmeal planet, or I’d be Quaker-ing in my boots. 😛

Jambette was locked out of her house, but I didn’t help her look for her key. Hey, she’s a frog! She’s well-prepared to dive into the water to look for it. Unless she needs a little push? 😉

I did help out a different ugly villager tonight though. I delivered a gift for Harry (to Tom), and he rewarded me with a planked tatami.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! I’ll see you all next time! In the meantime, check out my recent video of A.I. trying (and failing) to describe some of my ACCF screenshots. 😆