Return of the Jambette

As you likely know, I’ve been trying to get rid of the cranky villager surplus I’ve had in Forest over the past 6+ months. But moving anybody out can be a risk, because you never know who may move in next. You may get someone even worse. And that’s exactly what happened yesterday…

Jambette: Oh... Do you live around here?
Well I did, but now I have to move out.

JAMBETTE MOVED IN! Ugh! She’s one of my most-hated villagers in the entire series…and I’ve had her before, back in 2012. Some of you may even remember the video of the moment I discovered her. 😛

As for her house, it’s directly south of the town fountain. That’s a spot that rarely seems to be used by villagers for whatever reason. And I’m looking forward to seeing that spot vacant again, hopefully in the near future. 😛

Jambette's house, just south of the town fountain.

Tom was hanging out in the Roost, being very complimentary of Brewster. I think he was hoping to get some free coffee. 😉

Tom: The owner here is a bird of few words. I can respect that. Me-YOWZA.

Boomer was still sick with a cold yesterday, so I gave him some more medicine. But by today, he was over his cold. He thanked me for the meds by giving me a blue vase.

Jambette was outside today…so I decided to grab a pitfall seed and give her a proper introduction to town. She started squealing in French. 😉

Jambette: Aieeee!
Welcome to Forest. 😉 There’s more where that came from, froggy.

If you’re wondering, the balloon present in that picture contained a trunk measure.

I found a new gold rose today. But that good news is offset by the fact that I killed a gold rose yesterday, while checking for a UFO that didn’t come. 😛

I finished off my day with a trip to the city, where Kicks finally shined my shoes to be black again. I also spotted Vladimir there already! He just moved out!

Vladimir, in the city: The Marquee always seems to have an audience, even though the shows are usually pretty bad.
Is it too late for you to come back and undo Jambette’s arrival? 😛

Enjoy your Easter weekend, everyone! Check out my Bunny Day Guide if you need it. See you again soon! 🙂