Return of the Jambette

As you likely know, I’ve been trying to get rid of the cranky villager surplus I’ve had in Forest over the past 6+ months. But moving anybody out can be a risk, because you never know who may move in next. You may get someone even worse. And that’s exactly what happened yesterday…

Jambette: Oh... Do you live around here?
Well I did, but now I have to move out.

JAMBETTE MOVED IN! Ugh! She’s one of my most-hated villagers in the entire series…and I’ve had her before, back in 2012. Some of you may even remember the video of the moment I discovered her. πŸ˜›

As for her house, it’s directly south of the town fountain. That’s a spot that rarely seems to be used by villagers for whatever reason. And I’m looking forward to seeing that spot vacant again, hopefully in the near future. πŸ˜›

Jambette's house, just south of the town fountain.

Tom was hanging out in the Roost, being very complimentary of Brewster. I think he was hoping to get some free coffee. πŸ˜‰

Tom: The owner here is a bird of few words. I can respect that. Me-YOWZA.

Boomer was still sick with a cold yesterday, so I gave him some more medicine. But by today, he was over his cold. He thanked me for the meds by giving me a blue vase.

Jambette was outside today…so I decided to grab a pitfall seed and give her a proper introduction to town. She started squealing in French. πŸ˜‰

Jambette: Aieeee!
Welcome to Forest. πŸ˜‰ There’s more where that came from, froggy.

If you’re wondering, the balloon present in that picture contained a trunk measure.

I found a new gold rose today. But that good news is offset by the fact that I killed a gold rose yesterday, while checking for a UFO that didn’t come. πŸ˜›

I finished off my day with a trip to the city, where Kicks finally shined my shoes to be black again. I also spotted Vladimir there already! He just moved out!

Vladimir, in the city: The Marquee always seems to have an audience, even though the shows are usually pretty bad.
Is it too late for you to come back and undo Jambette’s arrival? πŸ˜›

Enjoy your Easter weekend, everyone! Check out my Bunny Day Guide if you need it. See you again soon! πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “Return of the Jambette”

  1. The game just hates you Jeff, and they want to let out their full hatred against you. Though you at least got Antonio back.

  2. I get what you mean, and I had it pretty bad as well. When I started Kimigaya (my town) there were enough horses for a stable! THREE HORSES: Buck, Elmer and Roscoe, and I don’t like ANY of them! Worse was to follow, however: a few weeks later Patty the stupid cow moved in and I’ve hated her from the day I saw her ugly mug. I push and hit her with the net every time I bump into her, and I even dug six pitfalls around the enterance of her house (yes I have witnessed her falling into them). None of these losers have moved out yet, by the way. Mint was my only saving grace. What about Merry or Punchy? Where did they go?

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