Antonio and Harry were chatting in the rain tonight, and apparently Antonio mistook Harry for a former wrestling star. I’m not sure how anyone could confuse Harry for any type of star.

When I went into Boomer’s house, I saw that he was all packed up to move away. Even though he’s not one of my favorites, he has grown on me during his time in Forest. I just might even miss him a bit.

Grizzly was outside, being his usual cranky self. He was mad about the rain, and he was determined to put a stop to it somehow.

Just go back into your cave and wait it out, dude.
I went over to the Roost, and I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. Unfortunately, he played K.K. Marathon for me…nearly putting me to sleep.

Lobo, another cranky villager, was complaining about the weather too, but not about the rain. He was annoyed by the heat of summer, and he said he wished he was just wearing an animal costume.