On Thursday, I received Boomer’s goodbye letter in the mail.

The door to the Resetti Surveillance Center was open in the city, so I dropped in for a visit. Resetti wasn’t around, but Don was talking about how Resetti likes scalding hot baths. He even said he tried to join in Resetti’s bath, but it was too hot for him. Um, okay…

Tonight, Harry was sick with a cold, and I generously gave him some medicine.
I spoke with Nat outside of town hall. The Bug-Off was held today, but of course I played too late to participate. Nat informed me that Goldie won the competition by catching a 55-point diving beetle. Congrats to Goldie!

I went over to the Roost, and K.K. Slider performed K.K. Faire for me. I always enjoy that song, even if I did just hear it in Wild World last weekend.