Monday was Explorer’s Day, and Tortimer was standing outside of town hall for the occasion. He handed me a sailboat model, which is actually one of the better small-holiday items, in my opinion.

Saharah was also in town, collecting old carpets. Harry and Nana were the only villagers that had some old flooring to give me.

But fortunately, I also had one in storage. So I took the three old carpets back to Saharah, and she gave me a chessboard rug for them.

I like the chessboard rug, but I already have one in storage.
Antonio asked me for some new clothes, so I tried giving him the caveman tunic I already had in my pockets. But he said it wasn’t subtle enough for him (even though he never said it had to be subtle in the first place).

Today, I was checking for a possible UFO (no luck), when I happened to see Tom and Gabi standing side-by-side, in matching paw shirts. They were both just staring straight ahead. Were they on a date? It was weird.

Roscoe has the modern furniture set in his house, but I noticed he has two modern lamps almost next to each other. There’s just one space in between them, and he was walking between them when I snapped this photo.

Until Curt moved out in one of my ACCF towns last year, after 8 years, for about 6 months he had two robo sofas in his house that spent a lot of time next to each other. The title of this blog post reminds me of the title of the show Rocko’s Modern Life.