The fishing tourney was held today, and it was a pond smelt-only tournament. Unfortunately, the event had already ended by the time I played. But Chip informed me that Tom was the winner with a 6.3-inch pond smelt.

Grizzly told me he was thinking about leaving town, but I convinced him to stick around. I’ve realized that for the most part, I like the collection of villagers I have right now. Even if I don’t have any of my very top favorites like Bob, Lolly, or Rolf, I do have several from my next tier, including Tom, Mint, Egbert, and Antonio. And most importantly, there’s no one that I hate right now. Forest has come a long way since the eight-cranky days of late 2022/early 2023.
At the Roost, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Ballad for me. Good song.

When I put some money into my bank account at town hall, my balance reached a new milestone: 60 million bells!

Just 40 million to go until earn my first feather! Interestingly (to me, at least) is that it only took me 20 months to go from 50 million to 60 million. But that span did cover two lucrative summer bug seasons, and I’ve also participated in more of the holiday events recently, including Halloween and Christmas Eve. I earned a lot of bells doing those.
Have a great day, everyone! And Never Stop Crossing!