On Thursday, Saharah was in town. She was looking for old wallpaper.

I asked around for old wallpaper, and Grizzly was the only villager who helped me out.

I put that wallpaper into storage for future use.
Tonight, I headed over to the Roost for K.K.’s Saturday night performance. Unfortunately, he played my least-favorite song of all, K.K. Song.

A bit later, I listened in on a conversation between Antonio and Gabi (near my house). Antonio asked Gabi what she’d like to do for a career, and Gabi responded that she’s going to make her own line of tae kwon do uniforms. That’s…very specific.

Grizzly asked me for a fossil, so I gave him a sabertooth skull that I dug up. I don’t typically help villagers out when they ask for fossils (since their rewards are always less valuable than the fossil), but Grizzly did help me out with the wallpaper the other day.

In return, he gave me a chic wall. Here are a few other quick notes from tonight’s session:
- Nana was sick with a cold, and I gave her some medicine.
- Big Top asked me for blue furniture, but I couldn’t find any. I even shook trees for the daily furniture items (and got stung by bees several times in the process).
- I found a pink kotatsu in the recycle bin.
- The snow will be all melted by 6 a.m. tomorrow! Bring on spring!