Astrid’s star has officially fizzled out, as I received her goodbye letter in the mail today.

Over by Nook’s shop, Roscoe was telling me about Tom Nook’s past. He said he used to be a scofflaw; a criminal!

He even said it was convenient that Tom Nook has that mask around his eyes!

Moments later, I was walking behind the shop when I heard a flea jumping around. I saw Ruby, so I smacked her with the net…but it wasn’t her. The funny thing is that I didn’t see anyone else around! I kept looking though, and I eventually found out it was Roscoe. I caught his flea, and he exclaimed “Whoa!”

A person is supposed to say whoa to a horse.
Once he got over the shock, he thanked me for catching the flea and curing him of his itch.
Next I went over to the Roost, where K.K. Slider performed K.K. Dixie for me.

And before wrapping up my game for the night, I went over to town hall just to…mail a letter? Just kidding, there was no letter. I was just there to mess with Phyllis.

That’s all for tonight, but I hope to see you next week.