Clyde’s Visit

I found a four-leaf clover in town today, though I don’t think it gave me any good luck. 🍀

Check it out! I found a four-leaf clover! Does this mean I'll be really lucky now?

Clyde asked if he could visit my house, and I agreed. Unfortunately, I had to choose a meeting time. When I tried a time that was too soon, he said he couldn’t make it that soon because he’s not the running type.

Clyde: What?! I don't think I can do it that soon... 'Cause that might involve running. And I'm really not the running type.
You’re a HORSE!

So I chose a later time. In the meantime, I went to Able Sisters to buy a new shirt. I thought my flame shirt seemed a bit hot with summer here now, so I bought a nice, cool bubble shirt instead.

My next stop was Big Top’s house, and he just so happened to ask for new clothes. I gave him the flame shirt, and he loved it! He gave me 520 bells, which is 110 bells more than what I paid for my bubble shirt! That worked out well!

Big Top: I'm SO psyched! Here, please have 520 bells as my way of saying thanks!

When I visited Mint, she had a scowl on her face when she told me she was going to buy a deluxe beanbag. Um, okay?

Mint: I'm going to get myself a seriously deluxe beanbag!

She said she likes to buy nice things to pass the time while she waits for the next big event to come around.

I then headed home and waited for Clyde to come knocking. When he arrived, he initially seemed excited to see my house. But it didn’t take him long to start complaining about my lack of furniture. 😑

Clyde: Anyway, you just don't have what you need to live here comfortably.
What do you know? You were born in a barn!

I had a bed and other furniture upstairs, but he wouldn’t follow me up there. He just stood in my main room complaining. He said he would rate my room three stars out of five…and so would his mom.

Clyde: Since this place is missing the basics, my mom would probably give it (three stars) out of five stars.
Oh, get off your high horse and trot out of here.

I got sick of his complaints, so I just waited for him to leave. He may be new in town, but he’s already becoming one of my least favorites.

Later on, I went to the Roost to check out K.K. Slider’s Saturday night performance. I asked for a random song, and he played Rockin’ K.K. for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Rockin' K.K..

Midge locked herself out of her house, so I did a little fishing and found her key for her.

Midge: Oh...! Awesome! Yes, this is my key, tweedledee!
Her last sentence rhymed. 😛

She rewarded me with a farting gyroid (a tootoid), which took the wind out of my sails. 💨

Before wrapping up my night, I gathered some fruit and earned enough bells to get my account balance up to 61.5 million bells. So my personal goal for the summer will be to earn 2.5 million bells (getting my balance to 64 million) by September 1st. I’ll get started on that summer bug-catching next week. I can’t wait! 🙂

Two Horse Town

I found a new house on my path just south of Able Sisters today. This is in a spot that has rarely been occupied.

A new house that landed on my path.

Inside, I found Clyde the horse. He actually lived here before in 2017-18, but I barely even remember his time here. He must not be a very memorable dude. (That’s probably true, because when he previously moved in, I didn’t even notice it.)

Clyde: Whew... Unpacking sure is hard work! I think I'm actually breaking a sweat for the first time in years...

His biggest claim to fame in Forest is being in my Pitfall Pandemonium video (along with Tabby, Samson, Benedict, and Midge). So Clyde and Midge lived in Forest at the same time in 2018, just like they do again now. (I just hope Tabby doesn’t also return to join them!)

One other interesting thing about Clyde’s arrival is that Forest is now a two-horse town. As for my other horse, Roscoe, he was locked out of his house today. Just to stay on the horses’ good side, I fished his key out of the river. I don’t need the two of them as enemies; they have a lot of horsepower! 😉

I caught a key! ...Whose key is this?
Calm down, Antonio. It’s not yours.

I took the key back to Roscoe, and he rewarded me with a howloid.

Roscoe: YES, this is it, this is IT! This is definitely the key to my house, Giddyup!

I was happy to see that he actually used his key to enter his house. Sometimes, you’ll go to all that trouble, and they just stay outside anyway. 😆

Later on, I went down to the Roost to check out the Saturday night musical performance. K.K. played K.K. Ballad for me, which is a really good song.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Ballad.

Hunt Bugs in the Fields!

Today, I received Tom’s goodbye letter in the mail. I’ll miss the old grump…but at least I still have him in the GameCube game.

Jeff, Thanks for being here for me. I'm a better animal for knowing you. I'm leaving Forest behind, but I'll be thinking of you in my new home! -Tom

The Bug-Off was held today, and for once, I was not playing too late to participate. 😆 I kept an eye out for bugs as I made my rounds. Grizzly told me that bugs and competitors run from him. 😛

Grizzly: Bugs and tournament competitors both run from the sight of me, Giddyup!

I gave Nat a couple of common bugs to start out. He only gave me 4 points for an ant, and 47 points for a darner dragonfly. But the current record was a 52-point mantis that Roscoe caught. Nat encouraged me to keep hunting, giving a little speech that almost sounded like he was sending me into war.

Nat: Hunt bugs in the fields! Hunt bugs in the hills! Hunt bugs in the streets! You must never surrender!
General Nat?

Maybe that’s why he’s not the Bug-Off host in New Horizons; he left to join the military. 😛

Up by the museum, I spotted two agrias butterflies hanging out together! The problem is that they’re fast…very fast. I chased one of them all the way down to the beach, and then across a bridge. But I did catch it eventually!

I caught an agrias butterfly! So bright and beautiful!

I took it over to Nat, and he gave me 77 points for it. I was in the lead!

Nat: Yes, I'd say this fine insect is worth... 77 points!

I figured I’d take my chances and not hunt any more. When I returned later on, my bug was still #1, and I had won the tournament! I received my bug trophy in the mail from Nat.

Later on, I headed over to the Roost for K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show. He performed K.K. Jazz for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Jazz.
I’m not Jazzy Jeff!

Did you participate in the Bug-Off? If so, let me know how you did in the comments! And I’ll see you all next time! 🙂